[meteorite-list] Re: Meteors in Brazil and question

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:14:08 2004
Message-ID: <20030430081139.93887.qmail_at_web80501.mail.yahoo.com>

--------------- Forward Message ---------------

Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:11:26 -0300
From: "rgregio" <rgregio_at_uol.com.br>
Subject: Re: (meteorobs) Re: Meteors in Brazil and

Star Greetings for All!
Dear Mr. Zimmer.

I don't know if Teacher Mourão entered in contact with
the Mister. I didn't receive return of the e-mail that
I sent for him. In whole the case, I saw a matter now
for the www where Teacher Mourão confirms that the
such ''giant meteor'' that entered in the atmosphere
on the area of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the dawn
of April 26, 2003 (Saturday) the 02:42 hours (local
time: GMT -3 = 05:42 UT), it was not a normal meteor,
but a part of the rocket Russian Próton thrown in the
month of April. As that he said in the report: '' In
fact, it was of the re-entered in the atmosphere of
rocket Próton K'S fourth apprenticeship, that placed
in orbit the military satellite Kosmos-2397 ". Thus,
Your initial premise is confirmed!
Congratulations and very thanked by solving the
''mystery'' of the giant meteorite.

Below it follows the integral article that (very
badly) I tried to pass to translate for English:

Bepposax can reach north of Brazil with fragments of
up to 120 kg; I object sees Saturday it was piece of
Russian rocket

Italian satellite drops among today and tomorrow

An unexpected episode still increased more the
expectation with relationship to the fall of the
Italian satellite Bepposax, that should drop today
on the Earth or tomorrow. A fire ball tore the skies
at 2:42 in last Saturday, visible in the Southeast
area of Brazil.
It was not Bepposax, that only threatens States of the
north of the country (Pará, Amapá, Amazonas, Roraima,
Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão), but other piece of space
garbage, that returned to the Earth after having
thrown for the Russians in April.
" In fact, it was of the re-entered in the atmosphere
of rocket Próton K'S fourth apprenticeship, that
placed in orbit the military satellite Kosmos-2397 ",
it informs astronomer Ronaldo Rogério de Freitas
Mourão, of the Museum of Astronomy and Kindred
Sciences of Rio de Janeiro. The fragment weighed more
than four tons -three times the mass of Bepposax,
satellite built by ASI (Italian space agency) and
thrown in 1996 to study the rays emanated X of the
cosmic space.
The Italians published yesterday two reports with
predictions on the fall of its satellite. The " window
of having re-entered " (period in that the object can
drop, taking into account the uncertainty involved in
the calculations) it is more and more it narrows. Now
the cientists can already affirm with 90% of certainty
that Bepposax comes to the ground among today and
tomorrow more probably tomorrow.
The Italian satellite can drop in an area that
occupies the whole strip equatorial, 4,36 above and
below the line that divides the two hemispheres
of the planet. Pieces of up to 120 kg they should
resist to the friction with the atmosphere. The
exclusion of some of the potential impact areas can
only be made when the object is less than 24 hours the
of its return to the ground.
Until small objects they can make damages, according
to Mourão. It is " easy to imagine the damages caused
by a small ball, thrown the speed of 7 to 8km/s. they
are Equal to the impact of a box of 200 kilos to 100
km/h ", the astronomer says.
Re-entered her of Bepposax it was well disclosed by
ASI, but similar episodes are quite common. He/she is
considered that of 30 to 90 pieces with more than 100
kg re-enters in the atmosphere to every year. " In
fact, in the last three days, three superior
apprenticeships of two Russian rockets and a North
American one they penetrated in the terrestrial
And a European one should re-enter next two days ",
Mourão says. " Until today anybody he/she died reached
by space garbage, but the danger is preoccupying".

There is a long time I have a doubt and taking
advantage of the moment of that subject meteor
re-entered x satellite, I place a question for the
Dear Members of the List:
How knots can we be recognized an object that enters
in our atmosphere a meteoroid it is or one re-entered
of garbage, satellite, etc?

  It did be worth!!! it is again, thank you very
Celestial hugs for all

Mococa - SP - Br (GMT -3)
Lat.21.27.54S Long.47.00.21W

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--------------- Original Message ---------------

From: "MEZucolotto" <zucoloto_at_ism.com.br>
To: "Robert Verish" <bolidechaser_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 00:16:27 -0300

Dear Sir
I am trying to find a soluction about the Brazilian
Bolide or bolides, I have many informations , but I
only believe on some that are more coherent that the
bolide was travelling aparently fom southto north and
at about 2:50 local time, + 3 gives exactly %:50 UT
the expected for the Proton Launch decay. Where I can
get some more information about this event?
Best regards
Maria Elizabeth Zucolotto

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