[meteorite-list] Gutter Micros

From: Ryan Darby <rdarby_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:10:03 2004
Message-ID: <9CA31A462625B047BD8647980CB556CD220F5E_at_iserver.COMLABS.COM.AU>

Has anyone ever had any luck with putting netting over their gutters as
a matter of principle, and examining what comes out. I mean in a normal
suburb where there is no fall - so that you catch the debris of the
occasional "shooting star". Is there enough small matter coming down to
make this worth while?

I basically need an excuse to first of all steal a few stockings, and
then get permission to use them on the house! For a few micro's it would
be worth the argument.=20

If we look at the high numbers (2000 tonnes a year?) that are meant to
fall to earth, a roof is the best catchment area that is practical.
Received on Fri 04 Apr 2003 01:50:21 AM PST

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