[meteorite-list] "Falling Stars" Book Correction/Nakhla Meteorites

From: Mark Fox <unclefireballmtf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:55:51 2004
Message-ID: <20020126012246.42152.qmail_at_web14914.mail.yahoo.com>

Jan. 25, 2002

Greetings Meteorite Enthusiasts!

Just a quick note to say that the meteorite prices
listed in the book "Falling Stars" that I had spoken
of in my recent post are not "average" prices. A kind
list member pointed out that they represented the
lowest and the highest prices paid for the space
rocks, if I am not mistaken. I hope I have not
confused anybody.

By the way, why doesn't someone ask Mr. Robert Haag
for information about his hunts for Nakhla meteorites
in Egypt? A good chance he may know a lot about what
transpired there during the time of the meteorite
fall. His expedition is mentioned in the famous book
"Rocks From Space", and I recall Mr. Haag
interviewing an old man that almost was supposedly
struck by one of the Martian stones! Thus, Mr. Haag
may know of previously uninterviewed witnesses.
Long strewn fields!

Mark Fox
Newaygo, MI USA

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Received on Fri 25 Jan 2002 08:22:46 PM PST

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