[meteorite-list] Courtesy and Patience
From: Walter Sullivan <wsulliva_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:55:46 2004 Message-ID: <3C41D54B.5010507_at_ix.netcom.com> Mike Groetz wrote: > If I could please make a comment... > There is a gentleman in this list that feels he may >be finding meteorites- one recently being possibly >lunar. > OK- they may not be. But haven't we all been at his >learning stage and experienced the new found >excitement he has right now? Heck, I remember asking >Walter Branch if a small piece of Saratov I purchased >from him could be lunar. I was new at it and Walter >had the patience to explain to me it was not. > All this gentleman was asking for was opinions- not >smart come backs. Not only to him- but smart come >backs advertising to everyone else in the group to >read. > If you disagree that is fine- but be polite to the >person as others in the group have. And if you >repeatedly disagree with a person's submitals or let >them bother you- just don't open them and go on. > I joined Yahoo email just for this meteorite group. >They are the only messages coming in to it. One thing >nice Yahoo has is an address blocker. A couple of >people so far have wound up on it. > Please give others a break and appreciate their >excitement. Have a little patience, give them a chance >to learn and be a part of their learning in a positive >encouraging way. > >Thanks, >Mike > I'm one of the lurkers on your list. I lurk on behalf of my collector husband, and pass this and that on to him. In so doing, I've learned enough to become interested also. I had a trip planned to a dry river-bed in the Death Valley area, to RaceTrack Playa to those who may be familiar the place. I'd planned to take one of those magnetic detectors and no doubt I'd have come back with a pile of rubble, 'cause I love picking through rocks. Then anything not tossed by husband, what would I do? I'd post a pic and my (his) best guess and ask you folks. Who else we gonnna ask? The trip was canceled, so the list was spared. I can sense a new passion in the making and I hate to see it possibly squelched by attitude problems amongst the regulars here. If you can't say something thing nice, say nothing 'till such opportunity arises. Fondle your rocks for a while. Alana > > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! >http://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/ > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Sun 13 Jan 2002 01:43:23 PM PST |
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