[meteorite-list] IMCA not INRMCA
From: James_TOM Knudson <peregrineflier_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:52:10 2004 Message-ID: <F1545AONLfw9ugwdrXo0000242d_at_hotmail.com> <html><div style='background-color:'><DIV> <P>Hello List, Sorry about this, but, to much science here. When there is to much science you leave God out of everything. Without God there seems to be no morals. I think some of you need to find God and leave your immature racial opinions behind. <BR><BR></P></DIV> <DIV></DIV><BR><BR><BR> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>From: "dvail" <DVAIL_at_COX.NET> <DIV></DIV>>To: "'Rosemary Hackney'" <LTCROSE_at_BELLSOUTH.NET> <DIV></DIV>>CC: <METEORITE-LIST_at_METEORITECENTRAL.COM> <DIV></DIV>>Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] IMCA not INRMCA <DIV></DIV>>Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 11:25:17 -0700 <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Rosie, <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>So what you are saying is: <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Chinks and Japs are yellow because of mixed pigments. Honkies are white <DIV></DIV>>cause they don't have any. Spooks are black cause they have too much. <DIV></DIV>>This mailing list consists mainly of Honkies, Camel Jockeys / Towel <DIV></DIV>>Heads, Spooks and Scalp Chasers. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Dan Vail <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>-----Original Message----- <DIV></DIV>>From: meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>[mailto:meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Rosemary <DIV></DIV>>Hackney <DIV></DIV>>Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 12:11 PM <DIV></DIV>>To: Nakhladog_at_attbi.com; meteorites@space.com <DIV></DIV>>Cc: magellon_at_earthlink.net; Meteorite-List@meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] IMCA not INRMCA <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Well I have been out of circulation for about 2 weeks or so give or <DIV></DIV>>take.. and I have no idea what is going on. But Rhett I hope you are not <DIV></DIV>>going to quit. What is International Non Racist meteor whatzit? And <DIV></DIV>>anyway... I think peeps are confusing race with ethnicity. when you get <DIV></DIV>>down to it.. there are 3 colors of peeps.... Yellow.. the Orientals that <DIV></DIV>>have a mixture of melanin and carotene pigmentation. <DIV></DIV>>White ( albino ) no pigmentation and Black.. differing degrees of <DIV></DIV>>melanin content...In this group most of us fall <DIV></DIV>>Caucasians.. Arabic..Blacks.. Indian ( native Americans)Hispanics, etc. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Just a thought. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Rosie <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>----- Original Message ----- <DIV></DIV>>From: meteorites_at_space.com <DIV></DIV>>To: Nakhladog_at_attbi.com <DIV></DIV>>Cc: magellon_at_earthlink.net ; Meteorite-List@meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 12:50 PM <DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] IMCA not INRMCA <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Ditto, Rob.. Steve Schoner #4470 On Thu, 25 July 2002, "Rob Wesel" <DIV></DIV>>wrote: <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> _____ <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>I am afraid I am going to have to chime in with Ken and others here. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>The International Non-Racist Meteorite Collectors Association needs to <DIV></DIV>>be at a separate URL, it really has nothing to do with the foundation of <DIV></DIV>>this organization. Just because the word international is included <DIV></DIV>>doesn't mean we all have to get along. I love Matteo, but his posts bug <DIV></DIV>>me, same with Arnold, and now Rhett. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Lists have rules, that's fine because they are usually owned by one <DIV></DIV>>person who calls the House Rules. Mr. Jones can write whatever rules he <DIV></DIV>>wants, it's his deal. The IMCA is our deal. It was a bigger deal than <DIV></DIV>>joining a chat room in that we all joined en masse upon review and after <DIV></DIV>>team construction/approval of it's policies. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Now I see the emergence of a single moderator adding, as he sees fit, <DIV></DIV>>any policy he wants without consent of the members of the organization. <DIV></DIV>>If this was a decision of the board then I stand corrected, and still <DIV></DIV>>protest the decision. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>The truth, meteorite distribution is a predominately testosterone driven <DIV></DIV>>ego challenge, dealers don't always get along. Our list is never the <DIV></DIV>>right place for this but it usually goes away. Very few ever get kicked <DIV></DIV>>off or even put on probation, and here Arnold is singled out even after <DIV></DIV>>his post was prematurely deleted. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>As much as I dread the daily ads, I think Arnold should be left to do as <DIV></DIV>>he does. Remember how pissed we got at Mohammad, Steve Arnold From <DIV></DIV>>Chicago is mild by comparison. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Leave the IMCA to meteorites, not politics and remember that there is a <DIV></DIV>>board to decide such matters. Yes, the IMCA list is not a place for <DIV></DIV>>flame wars, or sales pitches, that's clear, but Jesus Rhett...do you <DIV></DIV>>read every post before sending it along or were you singling out Arnold <DIV></DIV>>well before that to have blasted his posts before they could ever be <DIV></DIV>>seen? <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Matteo, sorry you were offended, but deal with it. Rhett, take it down a <DIV></DIV>>notch. Steve, just....oh...do what you have to do. The ink has worn off <DIV></DIV>>my delete key. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>We're eight months in on the IMCA and it seems to be working, Rhett's <DIV></DIV>>contribution is appreciated, lets not revert back to bickering, <DIV></DIV>>martyrdom and chaos but instead keep it simple, protect buyers when <DIV></DIV>>possible and inform the public as we have been doing. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>-- <DIV></DIV>>Rob Wesel # 9275 <DIV></DIV>>------------------ <DIV></DIV>>We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams. <DIV></DIV>>Willy Wonka, 1971 <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>----- Original Message ----- <DIV></DIV>>From: magellon <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>To: Meteorite-List_at_meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>>om> <DIV></DIV>>Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 5:05 PM <DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] THANKS <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Rhett, <DIV></DIV>>I am even more confused? Steve said "pisano" in a private e-mail that <DIV></DIV>>Matteo made public... <DIV></DIV>>Then Steve admits his mistake to you privately, and you then teach him <DIV></DIV>>a lesson by putting him on <DIV></DIV>>"probation"? Does he still receive posts from the IMCA group site? Or <DIV></DIV>>did you stop those? <DIV></DIV>>If he admitted he was mad and wrong, why punish him? <DIV></DIV>>He's not racist - He was just being mad and wrong. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Rhett, I may not know the whole story but I know this was between two <DIV></DIV>>people. <DIV></DIV>>Why are you bringing the IMCA into this? <DIV></DIV>>To establish "peace" is NOT a good reason. <DIV></DIV>>The IMCA is for the authenticity of meteorites "period". <DIV></DIV>>Are things more peaceful now? <DIV></DIV>>You know as well as anyone that people get mad and say things they <DIV></DIV>>should not. <DIV></DIV>>First, it is up to the two individuals to try to straighten things out <DIV></DIV>>on their own. <DIV></DIV>>It saddens me that you say you would do it again. <DIV></DIV>>Rhett, this appears not be a matter of racism but more an excuse <DIV></DIV>>to push someone around you admittedly don't like. <DIV></DIV>>No? Just substitute any other big dealer in Steve's place. <DIV></DIV>>If Mike Farmer (not picking on you Mike :>) had said this to Matteo, <DIV></DIV>> would you have reacted the same way? <DIV></DIV>>If you answer "yes," then why haven't you in the past? <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>You can not force people to be nice but they can learn from your good <DIV></DIV>>example. <DIV></DIV>>You have kindly and privately reproved me when I broke IMCA rules. <DIV></DIV>>So, I know you can create a harmonious environment when you try without <DIV></DIV>>changing the path of IMCA. <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>I could not understand from your comment if the board had any say so in <DIV></DIV>>the new change to IMCA or not? <DIV></DIV>>It sounded as if you did it on your own. <DIV></DIV>>Does the board no longer make these type of policy changing decisions? <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Please don't start talking about quitting like you did before. <DIV></DIV>>We all appreciate your past achievements. <DIV></DIV>>But, If you are serious (which I doubt), I will be glad accept the <DIV></DIV>>position. (thank you) <DIV></DIV>>Best case scenario, I would share it with Jake Delgato or another <DIV></DIV>>member) <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Thanks, <DIV></DIV>>Ken Newton <DIV></DIV>> How <DIV></DIV>>fights get started <DIV></DIV>>#9632 <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>___________________________________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV>>Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com. <DIV></DIV>>______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing <DIV></DIV>>list Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com <DIV></DIV>>http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: <a href='http://g.msn.com/1HM1ENUS/c144??PS=47575'>Click Here</a><br></html> Received on Sat 10 Aug 2002 03:50:07 PM PDT |
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