[meteorite-list] Re: [MeteoriteCollectors] PROVISIONAL meteorite names
From: Matteo Chinellato <mcomemeteorite2000_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:52:08 2004 Message-ID: <20020808065709.46433.qmail_at_web10301.mail.yahoo.com> Many for the NWA put the provisional NWA XXX 012 example, for no born confusion, I have waith 3 months for have the official numbers, and in this time I have put my provisional numbers for sale the pieces. regards Matteo --- Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_yahoo.com> wrote: <HR> <html><body> <tt> Terminology 101<BR> <BR> It's simple. It's just words. But it's the concept<BR> that's important. So that we are all on the same<BR> page, let's go over these terms again:<BR> <BR> NWA numbers aren't official until they are published<BR> by the Nomenclature Committee in the Meteoritical<BR> Bulletin<BR> ...<BR> Until that occurs, NWA numbers (those that are<BR> assigned by Jutta Zipfel of the Nomenclature<BR> Committee) are deemed "Provisional".<BR> <BR> All other "made-up" names and numbers are just that;<BR> whether they are temporary, or not. You can call them<BR> Cataloge Numbers, Collection Nos., Field ID #s,<BR> Specimen Nos., etc., but the one word that would be<BR> best avoided (because it is already being used) is the<BR> word "provisional".<BR> <BR> For more detailed information see Ron Hartman's<BR> article in next months issue of Meteorite Times. <BR> Until then, refer to this web page:<BR> <<a href="http://www.uark.edu/campus-resources/metsoc/metbull/prov-names.html">http://www.uark.edu/campus-resources/metsoc/metbull/prov-names.html</a>><BR> <BR> Bob V.<BR> <BR> --------------------------------------<BR> [meteorite-list] NWA OFFICIAL NUMBERS <BR> <BR> Matteo Chinellato mcomemeteorite2000_at_yahoo.it <BR> Wed, 7 Aug 2002 12:18:29 -0700 (PDT) <BR> <BR> Hello all<BR> <BR> I put the list of the official numbers of my NWA, for<BR> who have buy a piece from me, in the left the<BR> provisional #, in the right the official:<BR> <BR> #58 NWA 1243 <BR> #59 NWA 1244 <BR> #60 NWA 1245<BR> #61 NWA 1246<BR> #62 NWA 1247<BR> =====message truncated=====<BR> <BR> __________________________________________________<BR> Do You Yahoo!?<BR> HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs<BR> <a href="http://www.hotjobs.com">http://www.hotjobs.com</a><BR> </tt> <br> <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC> <td align=center><font size="-1" color=#003399><b>Yahoo! Groups Sponsor</b></font></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF> <td align=center width=470><a href="http://rd.yahoo.com/M=225674.2075965.3644786.1829184/D=egroupweb/S=1705083281:HM/A=1153156/R=0/*http://www.lensexpress.com/tracker/trackclick.aspx?Page=ACUVUE%202%20Colors&AffUrl=273&AffCode=14" target="_blank"><img src="http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/le/lensexpress/lensexpress_468x60a.gif" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="Click here to visit our exclusive feature of ACUVUE2 Colours at LensExpress.com!"><center>Click here to find your contact lenses!</center></a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| --> <br> <tt> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:<BR> meteoritecollectors-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com <BR> </tt> <br> <br> <tt>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the <a href="http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/">Yahoo! Terms of Service</a>.</tt> </br> </body></html> ===== M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY Email: mcomemeteorite2000_at_yahoo.it Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.com Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140 MSN Messanger: spacerocks_at_hotmail.com EBAY.COM:http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/mcomemeteorite_at_excite.it/ __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs http://www.hotjobs.com Received on Thu 08 Aug 2002 02:57:09 AM PDT |
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