[meteorite-list] Telescope (off topic)

From: CMcdon0923_at_aol.com <CMcdon0923_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:48:11 2004
Message-ID: <7f.1b5d70ea.28f3a443_at_aol.com>

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While I don't personally own an ETX, my first "problem" with it would be the

It's only 60mm....not a whole lot of light gathering power, which is THE main
thing you want in a telescope. Any respectable pair of binoculars will
probably be at least 50mm. Magnification is secondary, but still somewhat
important (desirable), and is somewhat tied to the aperture of the scope.

If portability is issue #1, then you're probably on the right track, but the
biggest mistake would be to buy a scope that fails to deliver, and then you
abandon observing altogether. Always err on the side of overkill if you have

I know there are also 90mm and 125mm versions of the ETX. Have you looked at
them too?



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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>While I don't personally own an ETX, my first "problem" with it would be the aperture. &nbsp;
<BR>It's only 60mm....not a whole lot of light gathering power, which is THE main thing you want in a telescope. &nbsp;Any respectable pair of binoculars will probably be at least 50mm. &nbsp;Magnification is secondary, but still somewhat important (desirable), and is somewhat tied to the aperture of the scope.
<BR>If portability is issue #1, then you're probably on the right track, but the biggest mistake would be to buy a scope that fails to deliver, and then you abandon observing altogether. &nbsp;Always err on the side of overkill if you have to.
<BR>I know there are also 90mm and 125mm versions of the ETX. &nbsp;Have you looked at them too?
<BR>Craig </FONT></HTML>

Received on Mon 08 Oct 2001 08:52:19 PM PDT

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