[meteorite-list] [Fwd: SCAN 89-03 METEORS AND METEORITES]Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter
From: E.L. Jones <jonee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:37:34 2004 Message-ID: <3A364648.29235D0E_at_epix.net> FYI > 89-03 METEORS AND METEORITES > Additions to the STI Database since 09/02/00 > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > > **** Additional information on SCAN and how to order documents can be found at: > http://www.sti.nasa.gov/scan/scan.html **** > > > > Title: Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter > Document ID: 20000083885 > Report #: None > Sales Agency: CASI Hardcopy A03 > CASI Microfiche A01 > No Copyright > Authors: Satterwhite, Cecilia (Lockheed Martin Corp.) > Lindstrom, Marilyn (NASA Johnson Space Center) > Published: 19990201 > Source: NASA Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX United States) > Pages: 12 > Contract #: None > Abstract: This Newsletter Contains Classifications of 143 New > Meteorites from the 1997 ANSMET Collection. Descriptions > are given for 6 meteorites;2 eucrites, and 4 ordinary > chondrites. We don't expect much excitement from the rest > of the 1997 collection. JSC has examined another 100 > meteorites to send to the Smithsonian for classification > and they appear to be more of the same LL5 shower. However, > past experience tells us that there will be some treasures > hidden in the remaining samples. Hope rings eternal, but we > can't wait to see the 1998 collection described below. > Language: English > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Title: Mineralogy of the Solar System > Document ID: 20000085161 > Report #: None > Sales Agency: Issuing Activity > No Copyright > Authors: Zolensky, Michael E. (NASA Johnson Space Center) > Published: 19990101 > Source: NASA Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX United States) > Pages: 3 > Contract #: None > Abstract: The coming decade will witnesses the first sample return > missions from solar system bodies in 30 years. These > samples will all be very small, some missions return only a > few milligrams of total mass. Fortunately, the capability > of modem methods to characterize ultra-small samples is > well established from analysis of interplanetary dust > particles (IDPs), interstellar grains recovered from > meteorites, and other materials requiring ultra-sensitive > analytical capabilities. Powerful analytical techniques are > available that require, under favorable circumstances, > single particles of only a few nanograms for entire suites > of fairly comprehensive characterizations. A returned > sample of greater than 1,000 particles with total mass of > just one microgram permits comprehensive quantitative > geochemical measurements that are impractical to can-y out > in situ by flight instruments. With the Galileo flybys of > Gaspra and Ida, it is now recognized that even very small > airless bodies have indeed developed a particulate > regolith. Acquiring a sample of the bulk regolith, a simple > sampling strategy, provides two critical pieces of > information about the body. Regolith samples are excellent > bulk samples since they normally contain all the key > components of the local environment, albeit in particulate > form. Furthermore, since this fine fraction dominates > remote measurements, regolith samples also provide > information about surface alteration processes and are a > key link to remote sensing of other bodies. Studies > indicate that a statistically significant number of > nanogram-sized particles should be able to characterize the > regolith of a primitive asteroid, although the presence of > larger components within even primitive meteorites (e.g.. > Murchison), e.g. chondrules, CAI, large crystal fragments, > etc., points out the limitations of using data obtained > from nanogram-sized samples to characterize entire > primitive asteroids. However, most important asteroidal > geological processes have left their mark on the matrix, > since this is the finest-grained portion and therefore most > sensitive to chemical and physical changes. Thus, the > following information can be learned from this fine grain > size fraction alone: (1) mineral paragenesis; (2) regolith > processes, (3) bulk composition; (4) conditions of thermal > and aqueous alteration (if any); (5) relationships to > planets, comets, meteorites (via isotopic analyses, > including oxygen; (6) abundance of water and hydrated > material; (7) abundance of organics; (8) history of > volatile mobility, (9) presence and origin of presolar > and/or interstellar material. > Language: English > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Title: The Return of Astromaterials to Earth Over the Next Decade > Document ID: 20000085926 > Report #: None > Sales Agency: CASI Hardcopy A01 > CASI Microfiche A01 > No Copyright > Authors: Zolensky, Michael E. (NASA Johnson Space Center) > Published: 19990101 > Source: NASA Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX United States) > Pages: 4 > Contract #: None > Abstract: We are entering a new and golden age of sample return > missions. In the coming decade we will harvest samples from > Comet P/Wild II and interstellar dust courtesy of the > STARDUST Mission (Brownlee et al., 1997), an asteroid > (probably 4660 Nereus or 1989ML) by the ISAS MUSES-C > Mission (ISAS, 1997), and solar wind by the Genesis > Mission. A sample return from Mars is also envisioned as > early as 2008, and possibly one from the two moons of Mars. > It is, however, sobering to realize that MUSES-C aims to > return 3-10 g of sample, STARDUST will provide micrograms > of comet and interstellar dust, and Genesis will harvest > only few micrograms of atoms. The diminutive size of the > returning samples may be a source of concern for > petrologists used only to looking at hefty lunar rocks and > meteorites. How much sample is really needed to achieve > prime science objectives, while maintaining a cost > effective mission? The range of geological processes that > we will want to address with these samples is staggering, > encompassing not merely the entire history of the Solar > system, but the history of the elements themselves. The > interstellar processes include element formation, > production and interactions with radiation, formation of > organics, grain condensation and evolution, and > interactions with magnetic fields. In the pre-accretionary > (nebular) environment we wish to understand grain > condensation, evaporation and recondensation, shock, > radiation processing, solar energetic particle > implantation, gas composition, the magnetic environment, > and the evolution of organics. Finally, for solid bodies we > wish to examine accretion history, shock, brecciation, > impact gardening, metamorphism, aqueous alteration, > weathering, exposure history, volcanism, fumarolic > activity, differentiation, the magnetic environment, > atmosphere evolution, and the evolution of organics. Since > 1981, NASA has supported asteroid and comet science by > collecting dust grains from these bodies in the > stratosphere, and making them available for analysis in > laboratories worldwide (Warren and Zolensky, 1994). Over > the succeeding 17 years, many new techniques have been > developed for these painstaking analyses, by at least 24 > different laboratories across the globe. Despite the fact > that the particle supply has always exceeded the demand, > the painstaking efforts required for most of the nano-scale > analyses have resulted in only 1520 grains having been > analyzed, with a total mass of only 0.52 micrograms. Thus > we really require less sample for analysis than one might > imagine. > Language: English > Notes: PIECE-99 Yamaguchi 27-30 Sep. 1999 > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Title: Johnson Space Center's Leonids Optical Observations > Document ID: 20000085946 > Report #: None > Sales Agency: CASI Hardcopy A02 > CASI Microfiche A01 > No Copyright > Authors: Pawlowski, James F. (NASA Johnson Space Center) > Published: 19990101 > Source: NASA Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX United States) > Pages: 10 > Contract #: None > Abstract: The 1998 Leonids Meteor Shower was videoed by NASA Johnson > Space Center (JSC) personnel at Houston, Texas, and > Cloudcroft, New Mexico. The videos were screened and the > Leonids Meteors in the videos were analyzed. The outcome of > this effort was tables of counts per hour over the viewing > period and a comparison to the Leonids Meteors Mass > Distribution model used for risk assessment calculations > associated with space shuttle missions. The comparison > exhibited a difference between the observed data and the > model. > Language: English > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Langley Research Highlights 1999: Advanced Aerospace Technology Clouds That Help Create the Ozone Hole Capturing Comet Dust Document ID: 20000081772 Report #: NASA/TM-2000-210285, L-18007, NAS 1.15:210285 Sales Agency: CASI Hardcopy A04 CASI Microfiche A01 No Copyright Authors: (Author(s) Not Available) Published: 20000801 Source: NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA United States) Pages: 68 Contract #: None Abstract: This report contains highlights of some of the major accomplishments and applications made by NASA Langley Research Center and its university partners and industry colleagues during 1999. The highlights illustrate the broad range of research and technology activities carried out by NASA Langley and the contributions of this work toward maintaining United States' leadership in aeronautics and space research. The Center's historic national role since 1917 continues in Aerospace Technology research with an additional major role in Earth Science research. Langley also partners closely with other NASA Centers and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Space Science and the Human Exploration and Development of Space. A color version is available at http://larcpubs.larc.nasa.gov/randt/1999/. For further information, contact Dennis Bushnell, Senior Scientist, Mail Stop 110, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199, (757)-864-8987, e-mail address: d.m.bushnell_at_larc.nasa.gov. Language: English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received on Tue 12 Dec 2000 10:37:50 AM PST |
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