[meteorite-list] Organics in chondrites

From: Kevin Kichinka <marsrox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:55:44 -0600
Message-ID: <CANDn_7E1bHTAgwguwQSbai9N2gziLof62DJxgv+TyPE5Affj+g_at_mail.gmail.com>

Thanks to Bernd, Graham and Tomasz for providing me with an opportunity to
catch up on my SOM, IOM, CHOS, CHNOS.....

As for the discussion and science/graphs on the topic, it is like a foreign
language, and while I was scanning Tomasz' paper, google popped up asking
me if I wanted to translate it to Polish.


It's great that these organics have also been found in Tissint (Mars) and
Soltmany L6, and I now wonder if all classes of mets may be candidate
carriers, and are we looking for their source asteroids?

But Mars?

Yet after browsing through three different papers, I admit I still don't
understand the bottom-line significance of 'organics', which are different
from the excitement implied by amino acids, if anybody wants to share their

It's been a tough year for me intellectually.

I've had the opportunity to (not) understand Joel Schiff's latest post-doc
mathematics book, even with his gentle patient tutoring, "C;mon man! You
took calculus in high school, you can do it!".

I was only a few paragraphs into one of the first chapters when a
definition like, "n-dimensional de Sitter space is a maximally symmetric
Lorentzian manifold with constant positive scalar curvature" left me
staggering for breath. Since then I've never returned to that corner of the
multiverse. I feel safer, too, like 'social distancing' without the virus.

Maybe the presence of too many toucans are slowing my brain waves. (Can you
ever have too many?).

And even less intellectual, last Sunday I was hiking alone in between some
mountains in Turrubares, when a pair of Scarlet Macaws flew overhead,
always an inspiration, and almost always in loving pairs (unless all that
back-and-forth squawking between them is an argument, "Go left here!" "No!
The almendro tree is straight ahead!").

Then three more followed, and that's while these birds aren't known to
entertain 'threesomes'. Before I reached my 'turn-around river', another
pair went by, and on the way back yet another pair went by, now totalling
nine birds, all squawking in flight, their long tail feathers drooping.

Only around Tarcoles and Jaco, Pacific Ocean coastal towns hard against
deep forested mountains, have I seen more in less time.

In those towns, there's so many, the trees are crowded, and they sit on the
backs of chairs at restaurants, like cage-free pets. (It's extremely
against the law to keep them at home).

And as I made it back to 'The Beast', I realized I had completely forgotten
about 'de Sitter Space', and CHNOS and realized I was no lesser for that.

Kevin Kichinka
In front of my desktop, the view out the window is nothing but fog covering
the mountain top.
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