[meteorite-list] Who sold their collection to a pawn shop?
From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020 20:46:14 -0500 Message-ID: <CAKBPJW9LOZq3p3JzHsp4aX7fzFwXimAGbkAXz1r9A8kKfp0G_w_at_mail.gmail.com> This eBay seller, Loyalty Pawn, has been offering some higher-end meteorites lately - many of them. These are not the typical meteorites you see occasionally offered by this type of seller. This is obviously somebody's collection being sold piecemeal. Does anyone know who this collection used to belong to? There are no hints to provenance in the listings. https://www.ebay.com/itm/613-Grams-Large-Howardite-NWA-3078-Meteorite-MAIN-MASS-Endcut-w-Crust/264959075664 Best regards, MikeG -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Stone & Ironworks : www.galactic-stone.com Meteorites, Ice Age Fossils, Minerals, and Artifacts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Received on Mon 30 Nov 2020 08:46:14 PM PST |
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