[meteorite-list] [IMCA List] Dave Gheesling

From: Gary Fujihara <fujmon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 07:47:21 -1000
Message-ID: <D0717CF2-C1C6-4D39-9259-E9973D930092_at_mac.com>

Just a humble tribute to Mr Falling Rocks


Gary Fujihara
Big Kahuna Meteorites
PO Box 4175, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 640-9161

> On Nov 12, 2020, at 6:40 AM, Darryl Pitt via IMCA <imca at mail.imca.co> wrote:
> For those who didn?t know Dave, focus on Sean?s words and deeply believe him. Dave?s positivity, generosity of spirit and capacity for friendship and love are a marvel. For those who know Dave, you know precisely what I mean.
> Might I suggest we give an extra kiss to those we love as the fates can be capricious ? and rarely more than they are right now. This heartbreaking news has brought me to my knees and take pause.
> With heartfelt condolences to all those bereaving this sorrowful, inconceivable turn.
>> On Nov 12, 2020, at 12:56 AM, Sean T. Murray via IMCA <imca at mail.imca.co> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> It?s with a heavy heart that I write to the meteorite community this evening.
>> Dave Gheesling passed away yesterday (11/11), and we?re all trying to process the sudden loss. He was my best friend. I don?t have the words to express how much he meant to me, how much he influenced my life, and how blessed I was to have known the man.
>> Dave?s love of family & friends, his positivity, his generosity and his enthusiasm for life are the example he has left for us all. Dave has been an important part of our community, and his contributions will live on as his legacy for many decades to come.
>> I apologize for the abruptness of an email communication, but we were only able to contact a few people this evening, given the hour. Please, if you need anything, contact me directly so that we can give Dave?s family the time they need to prepare for the service. I will post more details as they are available.
>> Yours,
>> Sean Murray
>> 678-367-7095 (cell)
>> --------------------------------------
>> ?Our respective fates here on planet Earth are all inevitable. Sooner or later - and whether we like it or not - each of us will eventually assume room temperature. Seemingly against all odds, we are born, we experience a few decades on the big ball (if we're lucky), then we die. Our atoms are once again stirred back into the terrestrial soup, and that's about all she wrote.?
>> -- Dave Gheesling, August 2009
>> http://www.fallingrocks.com/FRarticle-082009.htm
Received on Thu 12 Nov 2020 12:47:21 PM PST

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