[meteorite-list] Fwd: Good News!

From: Kevin Kichinka <marsrox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 15:47:09 -0600
Message-ID: <CANDn_7EZnL2_pjLD=SjOGyn8TBeKDH=r3WVB4rxuBgZgDhGAog_at_mail.gmail.com>

And good views!

Team Meteorite:

The OSIRIS-REx mission succeeded in collecting material from the
carbonaceous surface of asteroid Bennu a couple of weeks ago. The minimum
amount of regolith for a successful mission would be 60 gms, and it is
believed they have much more.

But some rocks kept the container from closing, and stuff was leaking out.
This container needed to be moved carefully and quickly to another
container orbiting the asteroid, within which it will make the journey back
to Earth, arriving in September, 2023. Here is the report on that maneuver.


And here is video of the entire collection sequence, which took place at a
distance of 1 AU on the other side of the Sun. Yeah!

Many of us are familiar with Dante Lauretta, the mission's principal
investigator. Congratulations to Dante on a fabulous achievement, and
smooth sailing back to Pachamama....

Please use your ability to turn on 'full screen' for a truly incredible 48


Kevin Kichinka
Sent from the fringes of a Nicaraguan Hurricane, with thoughts for the
indigenous miskito, engulfed in its fury.

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