[meteorite-list] slightly off topic - Interesting request from NASA PDS

From: Dolores Hill <dhill_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 18:24:56 -0700
Message-ID: <26bff4a0-3870-c298-17f4-363b06c41d08_at_lpl.arizona.edu>

Greetings Meteorite-List!

We hope all of you and your families are staying healthy and safe!

_I am passing on an inquiry that is a little out of the ordinary_ - a
request for your feedback from the team at NASA's Planetary Data System
(PDS) https://pds.nasa.gov/ . The PDS is where NASA spacecraft data and
images (including OSIRIS-REx) are archived for access by researchers and
the public. Some of you may be familiar with it already and some may not
have explored it yet. Here is your opportunity to give your opinion and
help NASA improve the PDS. See below.? -Dolores Hill

The Planetary Data System (PDS) is kicking off a User Study as a
follow-on to the PDS Survey and next steps towards our?Data Services
Initiative. This Initiative and User Study are integral parts of
enhancing the ways that we can serve you, our planetary science
community. More specifically, we are looking for volunteers to help us
get a better understanding of our how our community currently uses the
PDS, but also how we can improve to meet your needs. The study will
include individual interviews/discussions (~45-60 minutes), and some
future help with playing around with some of the ideas we put together.
We are looking for folks across pretty much any domain and experience
level that interacts with the PDS including, but not limited to:
Scientists, Tool developers, Data providers (R&A, missions, local data
dictionary stewards), Educators, Students, International partners,
Amateur astronomers, Discipline Node personnel, and NASA Management.

_If you would like to help, please send an email to
_pds-operator at jpl.nasa.gov <mailto:pds-operator at jpl.nasa.gov>_?stating
which of the above groups you fall into (this could be more than one),
and we will reach out to plan next steps._ Thank you in advance for your
assistance and helping us better understand our community, so we can
improve the PDS to meet your needs and further scientific exploration.

For more technical details:
poster: https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/planetdata2019/eposter/7105.pdf

Dolores H. Hill Sr. Research Specialist Lunar & Planetary Laboratory 
Kuiper Space Sciences Bldg. #92 The University of Arizona 1629 E. 
University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721 http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/ OSIRIS-REx 
Asteroid Sample Return Mission Communication & Public Engagement Team 
Lead OSIRIS-REx Ambassadors program Co-lead OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroids! 
citizen science program Co-coordinator Target NEOs! observing program of 
the Astronomical League Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers - 
Meteorite Section http://osiris-rex.lpl.arizona.edu/ 
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