[meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 09:06:55 -0400
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW-9uMrUszOXoX0LFSCAhx=k3zBMPvypXwtmU-zRxxPEqw_at_mail.gmail.com>

You're friggin batshit. And that's something coming from me.

On 6/16/20, Marcin Cima?a - POLANDMET <marcin at polandmet.com> wrote:
> Really ?
> If I give a f*** about every shit out there starting from politics and
> ending on licence agreement on a DVD movie, I propably ends in asylum or as
> radical islam isis member alredy killed after You know what....
> No, this is a tool. Peoples kill using knives, so You stop using knives and
> blame anyone who use them ? No. Or maybe yes, watching how crazy peoples
> are I can belive even in this. And I dont blame anyone here. I have enough
> examples on every news, watching this moron in Poland.
> The whole drama started in answer to my invitation to my F**********
> group(same as before). You dont like it, You dont go there.
> End of discusion.
> End of any emails here.
> Im log out
> But You know where to find me and latest informations from meteorite
> community
> Have a nice day everyone.
> -----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]----[ +48 793567667 ]-----
> http://www.Meteoryty.pl marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
> http://www.PolandMET.com marcin(at)polandmet.com
> --------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
>>>> "And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives"
>> And there you go.
>> You don't care. Enough said.
>> It doesn't matter what the ownership of that site believes, just as
>> long as they give you a handy platform to post meteorite photos.
>> Nice priorities there. Get off your high horse.
>> I'm done.
>> On 6/15/20, Marcin Cimala - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list
>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
>>>> " I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
>>>>> (video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."
>>>> FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
>>>> any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
>>>> video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
>>>> website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
>>>> on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
>>>> used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
>>>> the room.
>>> My God Michael, dont try to inwent wheel once again. Why You try
>>> complicate
>>> everything ?
>>> Yes You can post Your media on site X, I can post media on site Y, Greg
>>> can
>>> use Z cloud and post links to them
>>> At the end it will be like we need to go somewhere, ofcourse login to
>>> our
>>> accounts, accept cookies, experience different layont, web page design
>>> etc.
>>> On FB its all in one, it work good, it work on every platform and
>>> device,
>>> its for free, fast and never dies.
>>> And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives, what he is
>>> doing or if he is black or white as long as he dont say that meteorites
>>> are
>>> illegal on his site. Its a tool like anything else.
>>> There is one big limit. Chinese cant use it becouse its banned in china.
>>> But
>>> its not banned in Morocco or Lybia
>>> Can You imagine that I speak with guys from algeria or lybia, they share
>>> photos beying in the same moment in the desert ?
>>> I can speak with like 50 morocans in real-time asking for new pieces,
>>> they
>>> ask me for my opinion about their specimens, we chat like good friends
>>> even
>>> that I have no idea how they looks like. This is power!! The peoples.
>>> Here You sit with 100 peoples, read one post a day and You are arguing
>>> that
>>> its the best medium in the world.
>>> Yes it was, 10 years ago. Your chice, I respect, but the best days are
>>> gone.
>>> You cant disagree with that
>>> -----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]----[ +48 793567667 ]-----
>>> http://www.Meteoryty.pl marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
>>> http://www.PolandMET.com marcin(at)polandmet.com
>>> --------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
>>>> For example, people would upload their Tucson or Ensisheim pics to
>>>> Photobucket, Flickr, or their website and then link them here. It just
>>>> involves a couple of extra clicks to bypass FB entirely for this
>>>> functionality.
>>>> '"I kind of cI kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list
>>>> is dead/dying. I
>>>>> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
>>>>> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.oncur with
>>>>> the sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
>>>>> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
>>>>> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete."
>>>> Over the years, I have seen this list wax and wane with activity. I
>>>> hope it will recover from this recent dry spell. I would argue that
>>>> this list is not obsolete, just suffering from a case of widespread
>>>> psychosis that somehow Zuckerberg's playground is better than the
>>>> medium itself that created it.
>>>> "However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who
>>>> cannot
>>>>> or will not change with the times. "
>>>> If the times are changing to an online world where Facebook, Amazon,
>>>> and Google control everything, then count me out. I'll fly my Luddite
>>>> flag proudly.
>>>> " I believe those members have valuable
>>>>> insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad to lose what
>>>>> could
>>>>> be gained from them because they cannot or choose not to grasp how to
>>>>> use
>>>>> Facebook or other social media platforms."
>>>> Indeed, it would be sad. And that is exactly what FB and Zuck are
>>>> trying to do - put venues like this out of business and gobble up
>>>> their audiences. Oh, I grasp FB and how to use it. And I have an
>>>> active presence on some non-Facebook platforms. My apparent beef is
>>>> not with social media itself, it is with Facebook and it's policies.
>>>> Ello and Mastodon are better than FB all day long and twice on
>>>> sundays.
>>>> "At the end of the day, some will move to Facebook and join the rest of
>>>> us,
>>>>> while others will stay here (until the number of people that are left
>>>>> here
>>>>> is so small that it is really just an archive). "
>>>> I was the rest of us. When I first joined FB in early 2009, there was
>>>> exactly one large-ish meteorite group and just one or two other
>>>> dealers actively selling in other groups outside that one. We were
>>>> pretty lonely for a while and I was one of those people (like you)
>>>> singing the praises of social media and Facebook. Then everybody
>>>> started coming to FB and the List started getting quieter and quieter.
>>>> And FB started getting crazier and crazier, and then the algorithms
>>>> kicked in, and then Zuck took off his mask and showed his true colors.
>>>> You wanna roll with that guy, despite knowing what he's about?
>>>> Well, as long as Art keeps the lights turned on (so to speak), I am
>>>> going to try to help keep this List going. All of the content I used
>>>> to post on FB will now go here - new fall reports, met bull updates,
>>>> research links, articles, original essays, *links* to photos, etc.
>>>> Art > Zuckerberg.
>>>> Met-List > Facebook.
>>>> No matter what ends up happening, the above two statements will always
>>>> remain true, even if FB gobbles up the online world and this list
>>>> becomes the Ozymandias of meteorite discussion.
>>>> Best regards and stay safe!
>>>> MikeG
>>>> On 6/14/20, Roberto Vargas via Meteorite-list
>>>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Thankfully, we all have the freedom to choose where to post and engage
>>>>> with
>>>>> the community. In my opinion, email is best used for private messages
>>>>> between members, but not really a great medium for forum-like content.
>>>>> As
>>>>> such, I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
>>>>> (video, live feeds, pictures, etc).
>>>>> I kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list is
>>>>> dead/dying.
>>>>> I
>>>>> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
>>>>> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.
>>>>> However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who
>>>>> cannot
>>>>> or will not change with the times. I believe those members have
>>>>> valuable
>>>>> insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad to lose what
>>>>> could
>>>>> be gained from them because they cannot or choose not to grasp how to
>>>>> use
>>>>> Facebook or other social media platforms.
>>>>> At the end of the day, some will move to Facebook and join the rest of
>>>>> us,
>>>>> while others will stay here (until the number of people that are left
>>>>> here
>>>>> is so small that it is really just an archive). Just my personal
>>>>> opinion.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Roberto V
>>>>> Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Meteorite-list <meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com> on
>>>>> behalf
>>>>> of Bigjohn Shea via Meteorite-list
>>>>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2020 6:18:42 PM
>>>>> To: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites at centurylink.net>; metlist
>>>>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos
>>>>> Everything we do on the internet (including your last email) is being
>>>>> spied
>>>>> on. No reason at all to bother worrying about facebook... LOL
>>>>> On 6/14/20 at 1:56 PM, Adam Hupe via Meteorite-list wrote:
>>>>>> Zuckerberg doesn't even use his own services and makes six million
>>>>>> dollars
>>>>>> a day gathering personal information on others.
>>>>>> I have never supported his crap and never will.
>>>>>> I leave it to my lovely wife who uses this service despite the
>>>>>> pitfalls
>>>>>> and is very careful about everything she posts not wanting to ruin
>>>>>> her
>>>>>> social profile.
>>>>>> Now back to removing a camera and microphone hidden in my brand new
>>>>>> flat-screen even though doing so violates the warranty. I do not
>>>>>> want
>>>>>> some idiot watching me while I am watching NASCAR.
>>>>>> Adam
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Galactic Stone & Ironworks : www.galactic-stone.com
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Received on Tue 16 Jun 2020 09:06:55 AM PDT

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