[meteorite-list] Ad - Historic Falls available - Labels and Painted Numbers

From: Rob Wesel <nakhladog_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 17:52:07 -0700
Message-ID: <CAPGVZ4fJqp1e7DNE-PwZ+ekM3m5AZoGLkWpi+s53-Pn32J-UnA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello all

I have a nice lot of historic falls available from the Walton Collection.

Send a reply and I'll get back with price and photo

Mr. Wayne Walton was one of the first scientists to study rocks from
the first lunar landing, NASA's Apollo 11 mission. His team originated
and compiled most of the information in NASA's catalogues, Apollo 11
Lunar Sample and Apollo 14 Rock Samples. Mr. Walton's double major in
Geology and Chemistry at Drury College in Springfield, Missouri had
led to a Masters Degree in Geochemistry at University of Arizona,
after which he became a research chemist at the Minnesota Mining and
Manufacturing Company. Later, as he prepared for a career in teaching
- his life's greatest passion - at Ohio State University, he became
intrigued with meteorites. He began his prolific collecting hobby and
subsequently chose meteorites as the subject of his dissertation,
Phase Equilibrium in the System Farringtonite-Whitlockite-Forsterite
at One Atmosphere Pressure. From this study, new and unusual minerals
have been discovered. After Mr. Walton's career at NASA, he taught as
a missionary in Africa for fourteen years where, in the early 1990's,
he was instrumental in making the discovery of Gao known to the world.
Mr. Walton's fascination with meteorites resulted in a fine assemblage
of specimens representing a spectacular variety of localities,
including rarely seen meteorites like these:

Forest City, Olivine bronzite chondrite (H 5), 4.3 grams;

Lancon, Olivine bronzite chondrite (H 6), 0.3 grams;

Collescipoli, Olivine bronzite chondrite (H 5), 0.2 grams;

Jackalsfontein, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 1.4 grams;

Chantonnay, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 9.8 grams;

Alfianello, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 9.1 grams;

Vouille, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 9.2 grams;

Holbrook, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 22.4 grams;

Zavid, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 26.8 grams;

Tennasilm, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 4), 6.4 grams;

Bjurbole, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 4), 15.0 grams;

Cold Bokkeveld, Carbonaccous chondrite (CM 2), 4.4 grams;

Aioun el Atriuss, Diogenite (ADIO), 0.2 grams;

Nuevo Mercurio, Olivine bronzite chondrite (H 5), 21.3 grams;

Wiluna, Olivine bronzite chondrite (H 5), 14.6 grams;

Bjurbole, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 4), 3 grams;

Marion (Iowa), Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 10 grams;

Holbrook, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 20.5 grams;

New Concord, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 55.5 grams;

Ergheo, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 5), 28.8 grams;

St. Michel, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 4.6 grams;

Tuxtuac, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (LL 5), 7.9 grams;

Tatahouine, Diogenite (ADIO), 20 grams;

Mbale, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 5 or 6), 59.7 grams;

Homestead, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 5), 11.7 grams;

Barwell, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 2.6 grams;

Bjurbole, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 4), 3.5 grams, in pieces;

St. Michel, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), 3.3 grams;

Jilin, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 5), 42 grams;

Bath, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 4), two specimens, 24.1 grams
and 0.1 grams;

Wiluna, Olivine bronzite chondrite (H 5), 22.6 grams;

Kainsaz, Carbonaccous chondrite (CO 3), part slice, 2.0 grams;

Mt Tazerzait, Olivine hypersthene chondrite (L 6), five specimens,
75.4 grams, 36.9 grams, 12.7 grams, 8.4 grams, 3.5 grams;

Lowicz, Mesosiderite (MES), 23.1 grams.

Rob Wesel
Received on Tue 21 Jul 2020 08:52:07 PM PDT

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