[meteorite-list] AD: January Mitterling Meteorite Offerings
From: AL Mitorling <mittmet51_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2020 11:25:57 -0500 Message-ID: <CALeCmTkfsCJyk1p8qUqND4xVDcn62L7s5OEdsaUbLgkAEeXhNA_at_mail.gmail.com> Mitterling Meteorite Offerings January 19th to 25th, 2020 Selling Meteorite Specimens for over 31 Years! (574-453-7285) Best Calling Times 08:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. I'm near phone during the week of an offering or email. Greetings, I take Visa/Mastercard & a few other types of cards. (let me know what you have) Checks, cashier checks and money orders I will consider reasonable offers on any of the specimens, except those marked firm. Sincerely --AL Mitterling - Mitterling Meteorites Tucson Gem & Mineral Show information, I will be attending the Tucson Gem and Mineral show on February 6 through the 10th. I will NOT have specimens in Blaine Reed's Room this year. Contact me if you would like to see any of the specimens that have not sold on this list during the Tucson Show. Please contact me at the phone number above or email for a meeting. Photos can be found at this link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/183781924 at N06/albums/72157712625567658 Stony Specimens Photos 33, 34 Allende, Mexico 372.7 grams. Allende, Mexico Fell: 1969 Class: CV3 Fell as a shower of stones. Many of the stones were both large and small and fell in a wide area. Recognized as a rarer type of chondrite of the carbonaceous type. The specimens are rich in large chondrules that are scattered through the matrix and include irregular masses called calcium aluminum inclusions or CAIs. Allende contains microscopic diamonds. The Allende Meteorite was the first material studied in the Lunar Receiving Lab a few months before Apollo 11 brought back the first lunar samples for study. It was a dry run before the lunars were studied. Whole specimen with about 65% crust. Price: $4,500.00 Photo 32 Portales Valley, NM This is a slice with metal veins! Portales Fell June 13th, 1998 at 7:45 a.m. Class: H6 and one of the most unique falls of recent times. After detonations were heard and smoky trails seen in the sky, a shower of meteorites landed near Portales, New Mexico. 53 objects have been recovered, with a total mass of 71.4 kg. The largest pieces weighed 16.5 kg Specimen weight 48 gm Price: $1,500.00 Photo 31 Park Forest, IL Fell: 2003 Class: L5 This is a nice slice of this fall showing a couple of different lithographs in the interior. This slice is one I cut and acquired in Park Forest. Weight is 22.9 grams Price $800.00 Photo 29, 30 Marlow, Ok Class: L6 103.6 grams From Jim Schwade Collection/Robert Haag. Found in 1986. Has a weathered, deep brown matrix with metal showing. Endpiece from Jim Schwade. Price: $450.00 Photo 27, 28 Zag Southern Morocco Fell early August 1998. Zag has a very nice breccia, interior and classed H3-6 chondrite. This meteorite is very rare in the sense that blue halite salt crystals were found in it. Only two meteorites (Zag and Monahans) that are known to have contain these halite (salt) crystals. These crystals contain liquid water making them unique for a fall. Weight: 368 grams Cost: $1995.00 OBRO Photo 26 Thuathe, Lesotho (H4/5) Fell: July 21, 2002. I have about 7 slices of this material from 7 gm to 11 plus grams. An interesting fall seen traveling east to west over Lesotho before the bolide exploded. Dust trails were seen from the fall and a very loud explosions from the fall were heard. A 7.4 km X 1.9 km strewnfield was found on the Thuathe Plateau. Slices are crusted on the edges. Price $6/ gram. Photo 25 El Hammami found 1997 class: H5. January of 1997, an unknown mass of material that was broken apart by the locals, was sold to meteorite dealers by nomads. This was near the town of Mhamid Morocco. The material has since been resold under a variety of names. This meteorite is thought to be from south of Algeria and in the direction of a witnessed fireball in January of 1997. A sample was sent to an American meteorite dealer who made the trip and collected 6 fresh stones weighing 200 kg. The name used is representative of the area of the fall. Weight: 91.6 gm Price: $180.00 Photo 24 Oum Dreyga Gour Lafkah, Western Sahara Fell 200316 October, 02:00 UT Ordinary chondrite (H3-5) On 16 October 2003, Moroccan soldiers stationed in Western Sahara saw a meteorite falling on Gour Lafkah Mountains, south of Zbayra, about 21 km from Oum Dreyga. The meteorite fell near a 670 km long wall built in 1985, protected by anti-personnel mines, and guarded by soldiers. About 17 kg were recovered. Stones from this fall were later brought to Moroccan dealers. Most of them have been collected after a rainfall and are thus slightly oxidized. However, some fragments had been picked up soon after the fall; these are very fresh. Fragments have been sold under different names. 80.7 gm Price $400.00 (with crust) 68.0 gm Price $340.00 (with crust) Photo 23 Wells, Texas Lynn County, Texas, USA Found ca. 1985, recognized 1996 Ordinary chondrite (LL3.3) A 4.135 kg stone was found by P. M. Sherrill in a grain field. Nice chondrite with many chondrules in the matrix of an overall rich brownish color. One of the nicest meteorites to be found in the state of Texas. 8.6 gm $300.00 Photo 22 Allegan, Mi Fell July 10, 1899 8am. 31.75kg Ordinary high-iron (olivine-bronzite) chondrite [H5, S1, W0] After detonations, a single stone fell. Total iron (28.5 wt%) and olivine composition (~Fa18) are consistent with those of ordinary H chondrites. Most of the mass has been held at the U.S. National Museum in Washington. 3.8gm Price: $425.00 Photo 21 New Orleans, LA New Orleans, Louisiana USA Fell 2003 September 23rd at about 16:05 hrs (CST)Ordinary chondrite (H5) On the afternoon of September 23rd 2003, a meteorite crashed through the two-story home of Ray and Judy Fausset, who were not at home at the time. Neighbors said that they heard a "terrific noise."? Two observations of a fireball were recorded. The main mass of the meteorite was found in the crawl space under the house. Powdery meteorite debris and fragments were found along the penetration path throughout the house. A total mass of 19.256 kg was recovered from the Fausset house, the three largest fragments weighing 2966 g, 1292 g and 1001 g. Some additional material (~100 g) was also recovered in the surrounding neighborhood.?The meteorite has a light grey matrix with a black fusion crust, and very friable. Abundant metal and troilite are visible on broken surfaces, as well as some thin (mm-thick) impact melt veins. 10.4 gm Price $3,500.00 OBRO Photo 20 Moss, Norway Class: CO3.6 - At about 10:20 am on July 14, 2006, a bright fireball traveling SSE-NNW was witnessed by many people and a loud explosion and a rumbling sound was heard in the air above Moss and Rygge in south Norway, on the east side of the Oslofjord. Shortly after, a small meteorite was heard to land on an aluminum sheet and was recovered. Extensive searches in the area have resulted in the recovery of a total of 5 stones.? Note that light rainfall a few days after the fall. Only 3.76 kg total weight. Specimen Weight: 1.18 gm Price: $600.00 Photo 19 Parnallee, India Fell: February 28th, 1857, in Tamil Nadu, India. A low iron, low metal with a classification of LL3.6 and contains abundant chondrules, in an un-equilibrated mineral assemblage and has low water alteration. 8.3 gm price $825.00 Photo18 Noblesville, Indiana Hamilton County, Indiana, USA Fell August 31, 1991, at about 1900 CDT Stone. Ordinary chondrite (H6-clasts in H4-host) The stone passed close to witnesses, Brodie Spaulding and Brian Kinzie, who observed it land 11 1/2 feet in front of them on the lawn in front of Brodie Spaulding's house. No light or sound except for the whirring sound as it passed and the thud in the ground was noticed. It is an oriented specimen with well-developed flight markings, weight 483.7 g. Large white H6-clasts. The boys mentioned the stone was warm to the touch after picking it up shortly after the fall. macro specimen in display bottle secured in ryker mount. 2 rykers left. Price: $60.00 Iron Specimens Photo 16, 17 Taza (NWA859) Plessitic Octahedrite Meteorite This is a whole individual with museum quality thumbpriting and a large cavity (probably a graphite inclusion that weathered or was sand blasted out) There is a bluish fusion crust under the oxidation & shows through in places. 1.136 kg Price: $5,680.00 pretty firm NWA 1430 (TATA) Found: 2001 Class: IIIAB This is a thin half slice weighing 349 gm with super good surface area. Found in Morocco. Irons are uncommon coming out of the NWA region. No doubt they were used for artifacts over the years. This slice has a nice widmanstatten pattern ranging from finer to medium over the length of the slice. (6.5 X 5 inches) Price $1,200.00 Photo 15 Odessa Whole This is a nice whole specimen I have had for some time. Has some nice character on the outside. Class: IA - 1682 gms $1,800.00 OBRO Photo 14 Campo de Ceilo This is an uncleaned specimen with natural patina. Shows nice thumb printing and is a reasonable size specimen. ( 4.5 X3.5 X 2 ) inches Class: IAB - Weight 2411 gm (5.3 lbs) Price: $1,500.00 Photo 11, 12, 13 Toluca, Mexico Iron 17lbs (7718 grams) This is a nice whole specimen and has been in my personal collection for 30 years. Class: IAB - Price: $4,500.00 OBRO Photo 10 Sikhote Alin, I have an Sikhote-Alin endpiece that shows crystal structure (not common) weight is 2,500 grams. Price is $5,500.00 Nice exterior structure and thumbprinting. Class: IIAB Photo 9 Sikhote Alin whole with thumbprints 381.2 grams Super nice piece with 100% crust and great features you just aren't seeing these days. Purchased years ago during the time when every dealer had nice specimens. Class: IIAB Price $1,150.00 Firm Photo 8 Cape York Meteorite was found in the summer of 1963. Class: IRON IIIAB, medium octahedrite. Weight is Estimated 15 tons. Meteorite has not been fully excavated. Discovery: The meteorite was discovered by Dr. Vagn Buchwald ?(Copenhagen, Denmark), during a study of the loci?ation where the Greenland meteorites were previously discovered. It was 6 km to the west of the point where the two known specimens ?Woman? and ??Dog? were found and is undoubtedly a part of the Cape York me?teorite shower. The meteorite lay on an ice-free slope 500 m from the shore and was partly covered with gneiss boulders. There was no crater and no crushing of rocks discovered. The meteorite has temporarily been left where disco?vered. The specimen found is the sixth from the Cape York me?teorite shower. Dr. Vagn Buchwald has drawn up a summary of precise data on all the known specimens as of September 1963. (from the meteoritical Bulletin) Weight: 245.8 gm $2,995.00 Photo 7 Udei Station, Nigeria Fell: Spring of 1927 Silicated Iron Meteorite Class: IAB ungrouped. This is a sensational silicated iron meteorite with a brown matrix and rich in metal, a medium octahedrite with silicated features in the matrix. The fall was heard by the local people but exact date was not established. Weight: 223.8 gm Price: $1,100.00 Achondrites Photo 6 Millbillillie, Australia Class: eucrite. Whole Stone 360 grams 100% fusion crust showing half black/half orange clay crust. (this is a super nice specimen showing flow line features!) Price: $3,600.00 Pretty Firm Photo 5 Johnstown, CO. Slice Class: Diogenite 1/4 slice 9.2 grams with about an inch long of black fusion crust on natural outside surface. This fall interrupted a funeral that was taking place and part of the fall landed on the outside of the church. Price: $1,400.00 OBRO Photo 4 D'Orbigny Buenos Aires Prov. Part Slice (1 1/8 X 3/4 X 1/8 inches) Shows interesting green/gray matrix of this rare angrite. Weight 3.84 gm $1,000.00 or best reasonable offer. NWA 3140 Achondrite, Ureilite. A 750 gram broken specimen of greenish/grey stone was acquired by meteorite dealers in Tagounite from an Morocco dealer in April of 2004. Weight 55.8 gm $250.00 Rare Hard to get specimens Photo 3 in Album Monument DrawAndrews County, Texas, USA Found 1985, recognized 1990 Stone, acapulcoite (from the Meteoritical Bulletin) One stone of 524.5 g was plowed up by Joe Don Nevill in 1985 about 18 miles NW of Andrews, Texas. Information, classification and analysis, olivine Fa10.1?0.2, pyroxene Fs10.6?0.4Wo1.7, Timothy J. McCoy, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA, see also McCoy et al. (1992). Specimen weighs 2.9 grams and has a metal vein running through the stony matrix. Field information by the late Glenn Huss. The main mass is in possession of the finder. This specimen came from the King Collection of Meteorites. Price $2,900.00 OBRO Photo 2 in Album Lost City, Oklahoma Fell: January 3rd, 1970 at 20:14 hours Class: H5 This is the historical fall of a meteorite recorded by the Pairie Network and the ability to track down the landing site within a square mile. This was the ten year effort to attempt to record a fall and to figure the origin of where meteorites were coming from in our solar system! Super thin slice with good surface area (about 4 square inches) 6.7 grams Price: $1,995.00 (pretty firm) Photo 1 in Album Georgetown, Australia (iron) Found in 1988 RARE IIICD iron, now regrouped as IAB-ung. This meteorite was analyzed by Choi et al. (1995) and subsequently listed in the Catalog of Meteorites as an anomalous IIICD iron with silicate inclusions (it has fantastic troilite). It was later analyzed by Wasson who classified it as a ?solo iron related to IAB.? The name ?Georgetown (iron)? is now recognized as official by the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee. J. T. Wasson ) reports that Georgetown (iron) was found an unknown distance from Georgetown, Queensland, Australia, by a gold prospector with a metal detector. Weight 26.2 gm $1,500.00 Received on Sun 19 Jan 2020 11:25:57 AM PST |
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