[meteorite-list] Career Announcement

From: MEM <mstreman53_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 00:28:35 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <1020785312.8200462.1578443315364_at_mail.yahoo.com>

I am excited to announce that after a lengthy absence, I am officially returning to school to complete my P.h.D in Planetary Science and Meteoritics at the University of Tennessee , Knoxville.? I look forward to working in our community in pursuit of our advancement of knowledge in Meteoritical as I master meteorite classification.
My first major project will be building a reference library of meteorite samples and will be the point of contact for nominating new material for analysis.? I will be making calls from time to time for new enigmaitic stones which our community may come across.
To that end, feel free to contact me off list if I may be of assistance.
Warm Regards,Elton Jones

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