[meteorite-list] Searchable Land
From: Raremeteorites <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2016 09:54:23 -0700 Message-ID: <5B6E2D6A731342A08639DD752D9F4537_at_HPDESKTOP> Many are concerned about what land remains searchable and how to find out federal land boundaries here in the United States. You can get this information directly from the BLM. You will need to get a Google Earth overlay from them in order to plot federally owned land areas. Please obtain the overlay directly from the BLM as I do not have the time to go through the process. Remember that there is a 10 pound limit and that no meteorites found on this land can be resold or bartered. I provided image links of screen shots to two well-know search areas below. Please note that all of the yellow shaded areas are federally owned and off-limits for commercial purposes: Roach and Ivanpah Dry Lake Areas: http://themeteoritesite.com/adam/FederalLandPrimm.jpg Red Dry Lake: http://themeteoritesite.com/adam/FederalLandRedDryLake.jpg Private Land: Then there is the subject of searchable private land which is intermingled with federal and state land. I have noticed a trend that land owners are becoming increasingly protective of their properties since their constitutional rights are being challenged with constant regularity. Take the privately-owned 400 acre property in the middle of Area 51 for example. The only thing that has protected their property thus far from the government are mining patents that give them supreme ownership rights over the government, the way our smart forefathers intended. One land owner was even jailed in Oregon for collecting rain water that fell on his property. If he had a land patent with intact title instead of a warranty deed, he would have been protected since he would have maintained title to the center of the Earth to infinity into the space above his property. It is pretty sad that our government even claims rainwater! They may place rain gauges on farms in California so that they can charge for the water? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/16/gary-harrington-oregon-water-rainwater_n_1784378.html What does this have to do with meteorite hunting? The answer is that you better seek permission and do not be surprised if your request is denied. I saw a no trespassing sign that read, "Note, This Property Is Protected by UNITED STATES LAND PATENT. ", "THE RIGHT TO EXCLUDE ANYONE, EVEN THE GOVERNMENT, OR LAW ENFORCEMENT IS A FUNDAMENTAL, CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, SET IN LAW, TO WIT: And Another sign on rare patented land read, "The intruder who enters clothed in the robes of authority in broad daylight commits no less an invasion of property rights than if he sneaks in the night wearing a burglar's mask." I would be afraid to ask permission or enter either one of these properties. I am still in the very expensive learning process myself and have focused my attention to private property acquisition and how to seek permission to search other private property. I was extremely fortunate to purchase a property with a U.S. president (Woodrow Wilson) signed serial land patient with the title 100% intact. It cost a small fortune to have a title document research company and lawyers establish a complete title abstract. Finding this property is like winning the lottery to me and I will go to any length and expense to protect my land and all other rights including business contracts and intellectual properties as anyone who has gone against me has found out. Images of BLM land surrounding one of my patented properties in Washoe County, Nevada: http://themeteoritesite.com/adam/CherryCreekLandIsland-a.jpg http://themeteoritesite.com/adam/CherryCreekLandIsland-b.jpg Note that it is completely surrounded by federal land. They have to provide access to my property since I have supreme rights that are guaranteed forever. Fortunately there are several roads leading to the property that are protected forever as well so if the land is nationalized around it, I will still have access. Another nice thing is that the ownership rights are so supreme on this type of land that liens can never be brought against it. Land Patent to my property Serial Number 401771 signed by the President of the United States, his secretary and the recorder of the General Land Office: http://themeteoritesite.com/adam/LandPatent.JPG Here is a case of somebody taking patented land ownership to an extreme. He created his own micro-country (5 acres)here in Nevada in the same county as my property. Nevada recognizes his sovereignty and I find it very entertaining. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Molossia https://www.ksl.com/?sid=26342238 Anyway, I wanted to move onto a another subject instead of the complete nonsense which has been plaguing the list for the last several days. Adam Hupe Received on Sat 18 Jun 2016 12:54:23 PM PDT |
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