[meteorite-list] Ensisheim last news
From: Zelimir Gabelica <zelimir.gabelica_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 12:16:50 +0200 (CEST) Message-ID: <266705607.141359.1465813010571.JavaMail.zimbra_at_uha.fr> ENSISHEIM ?METEORITE 2016? LAST NEWS (June 13, 2016) Dear meteorite friends, Meteorite-Central List, IMCA members and members of other new meteorite associations, Here is the last series of news for the 17 th ?Ensisheim-Meteorite 2016? show edition. This completes my first letter ?Ensiheim News? sent on April 26 (still available on request). I believe everybody could also reach the links to the corresponding flyers included in the Ensisheim city web sites (if not, let me know and I?ll be glad to send them attached, off List) TABLE RENTING AND RESERVATION This year, the demand for tables was high and we have added 4 more tables to the usual set of 52 tables, so that you will find dispersed 56 ?regular? tables along with 6 window-tables in the consignment room, all being now fully booked. The Regency Palace presents the usual room alignment and, in addition this year, we have prepared and arranged the front of a new small room, called ?Spiess room?, located on the right side of the entrance door. While they enter the show, all visitors are guided to inevitably pass through this room and visit the 4 very interesting tables (3 new dealers). For memory, after the ?Pas Perdus? space, you enter the ?Egloff room?, then ?The Hall? (Anne Black & consignment tables), to end up at the big ?Regency room?. After correction and completion of my last compilation, we have this year 81 dealers (including their family and assistants). Here is the list of the main dealers: 1) ?PAS PERDUS? Space: BECKER M. (DE) KALACHEV Viacheslav (RU) MOULAY EL BECHIR Didi (CH) AITHIBA Abdelhadi & Elmokhtar (MA) SKORNYAKOV Slava / BALABAEV Stepan (RU) CHAOUI Jaouad (MA) JUNGHANS Abdul (DE) BOUFFERA Ahmad / BOURAGAA Ahmad (MA) 2) ?SPIESS? Room: KUMMEL Peter (DE) BRIDENNE Pierre / ISALIN Jean-Claude (FR) DECKER Stephan & Gabriele (DE) 3) ?EGLOFF? Room VASILIEV Sergey & Lena (CZ) AFANASYEV Serge / SADILENKO Dima / RAZUMOVSKY Anatoly / LITVINOV Evgenyi (RU), BARAXHIN Ignat (RU) STALLING Ilmarin (DE) ENNAHI Larbi (FR) ISMAILY Sidi Mohamed / ABDERAZAK Hadre (MA) PANI Ahmed / STEHLIK Harald (AT) 4) ? HALL ? BLACK Anne (US) / WARIN Roger (BE) Consignment room (see below) 4) ?REGENCY? room AID Mohamed (MA) EGER Uwe & Ewa / METZLER Knut (DE) JAWORSKI Laurent / BILLARD Jean-Luc / GUICHET Frantz (FR) SMULA Lukasz (PL) CIMALA Marcin (PL) CARION Alain (FR) LABENNE Luc (FR) KUNTZ Fabien / GERBET Marie (FR) PACER Gregor & Elisabeth (DE) TOMELLERI Giorgio & Lina (IT) COMPAGNUCCI Enzo (IT) DEHNER Thomas (DE) BILET Morten (NO) RALEW Stefan (DE) HMANI Mohammed (MC) KARL Moritz & Joaquim (DE) FARMER Michael (US) HUP? Greg (US) KOSER Hans (UY) PEL? Pierre-Marie (FR) MARMET Peter (CH) / CURCHIN John (US) JOST Marc (CH) / KOPPELT Andreas (DE) / GREN Andy(DE) / STALDER Thomas (CH) STRUFE Hanno / WOMBACHER Kally (DE)/ KN?FEL Andr? (DE) / LENSSEN Rob (NL) There will be a few more accompanying persons present on some tables. All such people can benefit of a free badge, on the basis described in the preceding ?Ensi news? (April 26) The 6 consignment flat window-tables will contain meteorites, tektites, impactites?from the following collections (list now closed, though I can always be flexible?): JACQUES Beno?t (BE), TURONE Oscar (AR), VATAJ Ram? (KS), WENGERT Sigrid (DE), LEFEBVRE Etienne (BE), SCHMITT-KOPPLIN Philippe (DE), GOFF Martin (UK), GABELICA Zelimir (BE) ENTHRONING CEREMONIES: As you might know, this year we decided to continue our long time established tradition to recognize selected eminent persons involved in specific domains touching meteorites. They will deserve being enthroned as HONORARY MEMBERS of our newly created ? ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF ENSISHEIM METEORITE ?. This honor should be considered equivalent to the preceding recognition as member of the St George Confraternity of the Ensisheim Meteorite Guardians, a brotherhood now dissolved. This year, next to a couple of local authorities, 5 of our colleagues ?meteorite aficionados? will become our ?Honorary Members?: Tony IRVING (US), Dieter HEINLEIN (DE), Graham ENSOR (UK), Fran?ois-Marie SARTI (FR-Corsica) and Andr? BESSON (FR-Tahiti). We recommend attending this part of the welcoming commemorating ceremonies that start at 18:30 and that we?ll maintain brief enough so as to save time for the friendly drink taste before the dinner party starts (around 20:00) DINNER PARTY When you read this, consider you might have less than 48 hours to ask me for a reservation for the FRIDAY DINNER PARTY (send the number of people and names) before we close the reservation list. This reservation is not a strict control but helps the cooks to prepare the appropriate amount of food (for memory: special menu based only on guinea fowl. Those who reserved are kindly asked to precise which menu starter they prefer. You can choose between SMOKED SALMON/BRIOCHE our PIE/SALAD. Please send me your selection asap ! THEMATIC EXHIBITION The side-theme 2016 was expected to be ?Pallasites?. Despite my anxious ?call for samples?, I haven?t received any offer, possibly because of their relative fragility (?). Even my own samples are not available this time, as they are part of another meteorite exhibition at the Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines mineral show that follows ?Ensisheim-2016? (see below). Nevertheless the Regency museum windows will contain some prestigious samples. You could probably admire a new large lunar meteorite, ?GALB INAL? (Lunar Regolith breccia), 1.95 kg (total mass), recently found in Mauritania, classification pending (expected to be official for ?very soon?). It will be brought by Prof. Albert Jambon (Paris). We expect its arriving in Ensisheim to be finalized in the forthcoming days though its coming is depending on the ?heavy negotiations? now still under way with insurers. Let?s cross our fingers? Beside this exclusiveness, Alain CARION kindly proposed to exhibit an important part of his private collection of French meteorites (31 samples) and 3 other giant classics: ?Campo del Cielo?, Millbillillie? and ?Sikhote-Alin?. THEMATIC EXHIBITION of meteorites at the Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (SMM) ?Mineral & Gem show?. This show starts as soon as ours comes to an end, namely from Monday June 20 (or Tuesday June 21) and ends on Sunday June 26. -- -- Zelimir GABELICA Professeur Universit? de Haute-Alsace ENSCMu, Lab. GSEC 3, Rue Alfred Werner - F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex Mail : zelimir.gabelica at uha.frReceived on Mon 13 Jun 2016 06:16:50 AM PDT |
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