[meteorite-list] 6th Annual Eating Your Way Around Tucson - 2016
From: John Teague <volgems_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 07:20:18 -0500 (GMT-05:00) Message-ID: <22499935.1452514818560.JavaMail.root_at_elwamui-hybrid.atl.sa.earthlink.net> Hey, List Members! I have it on good authority that Tucson is fast approaching! With that in mind, I am once again giving my ?Annual Eating Your Way Around Tucson? list, a slight name change from last year. This list has been put together with over twenty years of attending the shows. These are my opinions (well, my wife, Cookie, too!) only. I have no vested interest in any of these establishments, no free food, etc! I just like good food! Maybe you will find my/our tastes different from yours but all of these are worth a try! Again this year, I am leaving for Tucson mid-January! This will be my fifth year to make the 2200 mile (each way!) drive to Tucson. My wife,Cookie, did retire July 2nd and will make the dive with me (for the FIRST time!) rather than flying! I am adding some new locations suggested by list members last year after prior posts. We did get to try some of them and enjoyed them VERY much. I hope to add more this year! NEW FAVORITES for us! Fist, a BIG ?Thank you!? to Terry Sayther from Austin Texas! Terry sent us a couple of suggestions for breakfast ? or ANYtime! We are calling them ?MUSTS?! MUST #1: Bobo's Restaurant, 2938 E. Grant Road, 520-326-6163 http://www.bobostucson.com/ We at there ?more than once? in 2014! Everything is GREAT! I have to be gluten free but try the pancakes! They are the size of a plate! The omelets are WONDERFUL! Check out the deserts! Once again, Bobo?s ROCKS! MUST #2: Robert?s Restaurant (closed Sunday), 3301 East Grant Road, (520) 795-1436 http://www.robertstucson.com/ We also visited Robert?s a couple of times! Robert?s is just down the street from Bobo?s but on the opposite side of Grant! You cannot go wrong with either choice! MUST #3: Teresa?a Mosaic Caf?, 2456 N. Silver Mosaic Dr. (at Grant Rd, behind McDonalds), Tucson, AZ - 520-624-4512. GREAT Mexican food! WONDERFUL margaritas! http://www.teresamosaiccafe.com/ If you are looking for GREAT ?diner? eats, give Little Anthony's Diner (, 7010 E Broadway Blvd, 520-296-0456) a try. If you like milkshakes the ?old fashioned way? (with the ?extra? shake that won?t fit into you LARGE shake glass delivered to you table in the metal mixing cup, complete with frost on the outside!) then Little Anthony?s Diner is for you! http://littleanthonysdiner.com/ Little Anthony?s also sponsor car shows in their huge parking lot. Like old and new cars and trucks, be there Saturday 1/23 and/or 2/6 10am-2pm to see some cool vehicles! I know this is not food/eating related but check out The Gaslight Theatre (next to, and associated with Little Anthony?s!) http://thegaslighttheatre.com/! During Tucson show time, the Gaslight offers an old west themed, hilarious melodrama! We have attended each year for several years and have enjoyed each performance! This year?s production is ?The Cisco Kid?. You can order your tickets online for best seat selection and then pick them up in Tucson. Now, a ?Classic?! * Pat's Drive In, 1202 West Niagara Street, 520-624-0891 I should not list this first, but I AM! I first read about Pat's in Arizona Highways magazine. It is a tradition in Arizona! It is on a side street off N. Grande Ave, between Speedway and St. Marys. It is near the condo that we rent each year. I had driven within half a block of it for years and did not know it existed! If you like the old drive in restaurants, this IS the place for you! If you like greasy fries by the pound, this is for you! If you like GREAT chili hotdogs, this IS the place for you, please note that they have three degrees of heat for their chili! We have "favorites" that we think everyone should try at least once. In no particular order: NEW! NEW! NEW! This is our NEW ?favorite? from 2013: * Guadalajara Grill was suggested by good friend, Dennis Beal, XTAL, (Room 120, Hotel City Center, Marty Zinn?s Arizona Mineral & Fossil Show). We have learned that if Dennis suggests a restaurant, you BEST try it! He has never sent us to a bad one, not even a mediocre one! Guadalajara Grill ? West, 1220 E Prince Road-520-323-1022 (also 2nd location: East, 750 N Kolb Road, 520-296-1122. We went to the one on Prince the very last night we were in Tucson 2013. Large parking lot that was FULL! It took us 15 minutes or more to find a parking place ? then about 30-45 minutes to get a table ? BUT it was more than worth the wait! HUGE portions of GREAT food at reasonable prices! You WILL enjoy it! * La Fuente Restaurant, 1749 N. Oracle Rd., 520-623-8659 REALLY good Mexican/Tex-Mex food. The lunch buffet is very good and very reasonable. If you're there for dinner, be sure to order the Guacamole made table-side. It is VERY GOOD! * Silver Saddle Steak House, 6th Ave. & I-10 (310 E. Benson Highway), 520-622-6253 This place is near downtown and has some of the best steak that I've had in Tucson. If you're going for dinner, it is best to get there early or be prepared to wait 30 minutes to an hour. It IS worth the wait! I do not think that they take reservations. We ate at Silver Saddle at least twice in 2015 ? and probably will top that this year! * Lil Abner's Steakhouse, 8501 N Silverbell Rd., 520-744-2800 This is a MUST for Tucson show visitors. I remember going there a lot of years ago when this place was truly "in the middle of nowhere"! If you go this year, you'll she how that has changed. It use to be a drive out into the desert! Any of the show weekends will have tons of show folks there! The steaks rival Silver Saddle but everything is served with a salad, beans, and bread! LOVE the atmosphere there! * Daisy Mae's Steak House, 2735 W. Anklam Rd., 520-792-8888. This is just down the street from the condo we rent while in Tucson. Great steaks! Other recommendations: Breakfast recommendations: * Blue Willow, 2616 N. Campbell Ave. Tucson, AZ 520-327-7577 If you want to take time for a nice, leisurely breakfast, this is THE place! Food is great, prices are reasonable. It is in a house converted to a restaurant. * Los Betos Mexican Food, 3680 East Grant Road (520) 318-4787 and 2100 West Grant Road (520) 624-7751, plus several other around town. If you're looking for something that will keep you going through MOST of a day visiting shows without having to stop to eat lunch, try the burritos at any Los Betos! There are many breakfast burritos available and VERY reasonably priced. Last year the one on Speedway was closed for remodeling. I hope it has reopened as it is so convenient to several of the shows. Look for a Los Betos! Traditional choices: El Charro Cafe, Bar Toma! & Gift Shop, 311 N. Court Ave., 622-1922 This place has been in business since 1922 in Tucson! That says it all! The restaurant is located in the original family home in the El Presidio Historic District. El Minuto Cafe, 354 S. Main Ave., 882-4145 This is my wife's favorite for Mexican food! Mi Nidito Cafe, 1813 S. 4th Ave.; 622-5081 I have not visited this one but it comes HIGHLY recommended by locals. We tired to get in a couple of times and the wait was between 1 and 2 hours! I'm sure there are other great places to eat. We are open for suggestions! I hope others will offer their suggestions! (I am including some suggestions from others at the end of this e-mail. I am certainly going to try some of them this trip!) Bon app?tit! (Being from Tennessee, I'm not quite sure what that means ... but it sounds good!) Hope to see you in Tucson! (Look for the bearded guy wearing a Tennesse orange "T" cap, and with a hungry, bewildered look on his face ... and with the Tucson 'stoop'! If you don't understand that last one, you've not been to Tucson enough!!!) Suggestions from other list members! Suggestion from Bob Keller: If you appreciate a great breakfast and a good old fashioned greasy spoon, there is no finer eatery than Frank's in Tucson: http://www.franksrestaurant.com/ Franks Restaurant, 3843 E. Pima St. - 520 881-2710. Best not to attempt Frank's on weekends however, as it will be filled to capacity with locals very shortly after they open. ---------------------------------- Suggestion from Sue drsue99 at yahoo.com : For those of you who enjoy microbrewed beer, or just good food in general, try the Barrio brewery or Nimbus. For great sandwiches, they Bison Witches. We used John Teague's guide two years ago and appreciate the additions. Thanks John! Barrio Brewing Co., 800 East 16th Street (520) 791-2739, http://www.barriobrewing.com/ >From Nathan Martin rocknate at gmail.com Lexington, MA: Baggin's Gourmet Sandwiches 1800 East Ft. Lowell St. in Tucson. It is a chain with about 8 stores in the Tucson area (including one in Oro Valley). They offer a variety of sandwiches, salads, sides and desserts. I had one of the best sandwiches I have ever eaten and we went back there several times. Most of their sandwiches are in the $7 to $8 range so you can definitely get a cheaper lunch in Tucson but I don't think you can get a better one. It makes me hungry just thinking about it! -------------------------------------------------- Nimbus Brewing Co., 3850 East 44th Street, (520) 745-9175, https://locu.com/places/nimbus-brewing-co-tucson-us/#menu Sue ---------------------------------- Suggestions from Jim Baxter: Anyone who doesn't want to put up with the hour plus wait at Mi Nidito should at least order the cheese tostada with guacamole as take out. About the size of a medium pizza with a thin really flaky crust, a thin layer of melted cheese and radial 'spokes' of guacamole. Simple..... and..amazingly good!! ---------------------------------- Suggestions from Paul Head: Poco and Mom's on Kolb Road just north of 22nd Street. They specialize in Hatch Chile dishes. 1060 S. Kolb Road. 520-325-7044 ---------------------------------- Suggestions from Elayne (sorry, I?ve lost your last name!): Breakfast-Lunch: The Ajo Cafe on Ajo and Country Club by TEP and the sister cafe Bread and Butter on NW corner E. 22nd St. and S. Columbus Picture Mel's diner and Flo is there taking your order at the counter or booth. Home made pie and cinn. rolls!! Great Italian: Caruso's.... on N. 4th Ave at 6th. Do not miss the spumoni... fabu. Gavi's on Broadway at Pantano out East usually a wait at both.. go early. Great Sushi: Kampai Sushi... NW corner Swan & Speedway Also Sushi Cho on SW corner Broadway and Campbell/Kino look for Carl's Junior. Mexican: I agree with El Minudo on Main close the the convention center not the other one. But then I got turned on to Rosa's Mexican Food on SW corner Fort Lowell and N. Campbell set back in the SW corner look for it.. It is worth it! Pick up a dozen tamales at Tucson Tamale Received on Mon 11 Jan 2016 07:20:18 AM PST |
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