[meteorite-list] Local to Las Vegas expert needed to rewiew afind.
From: Raremeteorites <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 14:48:48 -0700 Message-ID: <C64643F5620B401CB191B61FF9256E41_at_HPDESKTOP> Sonny asked and I see no reason not to provide the find data and location. Here are some images of my wife, Zann's first cold find in 2004. It still has not been recorded in the Metoeritical Bulletin after more than a decade even though the data was submitted multiple times! We needed to get permits from the BLM to search this area. It didn't cost anything but we had to make trip reports and provide a valid reason for being in the area. A copy of the permit needed to be posted in the vehicle window or else. There was also a MolyCorp radioactive material spill about a mile from this location on Ivanpah so we had to be careful not to hike into to. You can see the hole it came out of and the coordinates on the GPS in this image. http://themeteoritesite.com/Ivanpah/ZannsFinda.jpg Another view with a hotel card key for scale http://themeteoritesite.com/Ivanpah/ZannsFindb.jpg And finally, one more image in the hand. http://themeteoritesite.com/Ivanpah/ZannsFindc.jpg Happy Hunting, Adam ----- Original Message ----- From: <wahlperry at aol.com> To: <raremeteorites at centurylink.net>; <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 1:53 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Local to Las Vegas expert needed to rewiew afind. Hi Bob, Adam and List, >This is a concern that others have shared with me, and has prompted me to >write on this subject in three >separate articles, which essentially said, >"Hey, here are some US chondrites that need to be classified." >Still haven't >received any offers Do you think that the scientists that are classifying these stones have been overwhelmed by the high number of stones coming from the same recovery area? Even when meteorites are found within a known area the finders often feel that they are different and are eager to have them classified. Many of the stones are obviously paired and it may not make financial sense for the scientists to spend time and resources on each individual stone. I do realize that their have been stones found that are uniquely different than others in the same dense collection area. I believe those should be classified without a doubt. What I am trying to decide at what point does classifying each tiny fragment become excessive? Maybe we should ask the Scientists that do the classifications what their opinion is. Stewart Valley 120 plus finds finds, Tungston Mountain 600 meteorites/ fragments Lucerne Valley 124 meteorites Yelland Dry lake Hundreds of fragments Coyote Dry lake 341 meteorites Stump Springs 130 plus meteorites >I gave up on a classification that was submitted in 2005. It was a fresh >type >3 oriented chondrite that my wife, Zann found. It was the very first >meteorite she ever recovered and it was a cold find. It would have been >serial number one but I think the unsavory practice of embargoing dry lake >bed finds interfered with the classification data being published in the >Bulletin. >I no longer submit U.S. finds for classification. I prefer to >keep >personally found meteorites whole and intact. Why cut a personal find >when >the odds of it being published are slim, even with the data submitted by >a >Nom Com recognized scientist? Mine stay in a box so that I can enjoy the >memories of the hunt at a later date. >Adam Hi Adam, I don't know your situation on the issue of embargoing dry lake beds or collection areas. Regarding Zann's find were there any previous finds made at that lake bed? If so, I feel the original finder should get the credit and the first number. The subsequent finds should be issued numbers in order of their find date. The only case that a find should get a new number is if it was a new area with no previous meteorite finds. Many of the lake beds have been hunted for years with great success. There were hundreds of field hours put in, recording of data, etc. I had a similar issue when a meteorite was found in an area that I had been working. I had hundreds of hours involved, stones classified, provisional numbers, etc. Another stone was found by a hunter and he attempted to have his find assigned #1. Both the finder and the scientist doing his classification knew my history with this area and the many finds made. They still attempted to get the number changed. When they were unsuccessful they tried to change the name of that find. It was clearly paired with finds from the area. It is amazing that someone would attempt this. Sonny -----Original Message----- From: Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> To: meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2015 9:42 am Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Local to Las Vegas expert needed to rewiew afind. I gave up on a classification that was submitted in 2005. It was a fresh type3 oriented chondrite that my wife, Zann found. It was the very firstmeteorite she ever recovered and it was a cold find. It would have beenserial number one but I think the unsavory practice of embargoing dry lakebed finds interfered with the classification data being published in theBulletin.I no longer submit U.S. finds for classification. I prefer tokeep personally found meteorites whole and intact. Why cut a personal findwhen the odds of it being published are slim, even with the data submitted bya Nom Com recognized scientist? Mine stay in a box so that I can enjoy thememories of the hunt at a later date.Adam----- Original Message----- From: "Robert Verish via Meteorite-list"<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>To: <bigjohnshea at mail.com>;<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>; "Larry Atkins" <thetoprok at aol.com>Cc:<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 9:15AMSubject: Re: [meteorite-list] Local to Las Vegas expert needed to rewiewafind.No Larry,There actually is a problem.John's "opinion" is acommon misconception that I even held until I personally learned of thisrecent trend.This is a concern that others have shared with me, and hasprompted me to write on this subject in threeseparate articles, whichessentially said, "Hey, here are some US chondrites that need to beclassified."Still haven't received any offers.My request still stands.Iwould like to hear from people with recent experience in this area that canpoint me in the direction ofa cheap classifier that still accepts small,ordinary chondrites.I suspect when I find one it will be outside theUS.Bob V.--------------------------------------------On Tue, 9/15/15,Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>wrote: Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Local to Las Vegas expert needed torewiew a find. To: bigjohnshea at mail.com,meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.comDate: Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 5:28 AM Hi John, List, You may beright about not having a problem getting a US chondrite classified, however,if it was found in the Mojave desert it is likely to get a number instead of aname. Unfortunately, Nom Com will likely lump it in with the nearest DCA,I'm wondering how much longer it will be before the entire Mojave desert isone big DCA like NWA? Sincerely, Larry Atkins IMCA # 1941Ebay alienrockfarm -----Original Message----- From: Bigjohn Shea viaMeteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> To: mstreman53<mstreman53 at yahoo.com> Cc: Meteorite Mailing List<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2015 5:07 amSubject: Re: [meteorite-list] Local to Las Vegas expert needed to rewiew afind. I'd love to see a photo also, but I live in Philadelphia so Iwon't be seeingthis in person. :-) That aside,I'm assuming from your postthat this is a"chondrite" native to the USA, and not just another NWA. I haveabout 25 NWA'sundergoing classification now, and I have more I'd like to getclassified but itis indeed hard to find a lab that will work on NWAs that looklike obvious OCs. I think that is a mistake on their part, because there areso many uniquethings to be found in meteorites. In my opinion, many labswould thinkdifferently about a "native" US chondrite, than an NWA chondrite.I do notthink you will have trouble finding a home for it if it is a USAfind. Cheers,JohnSent: Monday, September 14, 2015 at 5:47 PMFrom: "MEMviaMeteorite-list" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>To: "MeteoriteMailingList" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>Subject: [meteorite-list]Local toLas Vegas expert needed to rewiew a find.I am in contact with a LasVegasresident who has, by all appearances fair-sized, fresh chondrite. If youarewilling and able to inspect in person and get her stone into the system,pleasesend me your contact information for forwarding. Picsonrequest.Regards,Elton______________________________________________Visitour Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the Archivesat http://www.meteorite-list-archives.comMeteorite-list mailinglistMeteorite-list at meteoritecentral.comhttps://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list______________________________________________Visitour Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the Archives athttp://www.meteorite-list-archives.comMeteorite-list mailinglistMeteorite-list at meteoritecentral.comhttps://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Tue 15 Sep 2015 05:48:48 PM PDT |
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