[meteorite-list] Introducing the Worlds Newest Meteorite fall - Creston‏, updated

From: Gmail <mendy.ouzillou_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 22:49:47 -0600
Message-ID: <1F3E7B22-9EB5-4735-8539-E495CA74E031_at_gmail.com>

IMCA members can and do sell unclassified and provisional meteorites. As long as that is properly disclosed and the actual type is listed as "possible" or some other clear descriptor, then there is no issue. The material has been properly identified.

Now, for scientists publishing papers in MAPS, for example, then by the rules of that publication, they must wait for final approval. To be clear though, not every meteoritic publication has that requirement.

If anyone wants to further clarify, please do. I'm on my iPhone, and unwilling to type a super long email.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,

Mendy Ouzillou

On Nov 20, 2015, at 9:54 PM, ian macleod via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote:

Its obvious that the slices Ruben is selling is of a fresh fall,
however until its actually classified its still a 'possible L6' as Adam pointed out.
I really don't care about pricing anymore, however I have noticed the ball is really getting dropped on full classification/publishing before sale from some folk on ebay sell stones not even yet published. I thought IMCA folk were not allowed to use the Provisional names when selling?
> Ruben may I ask a question? you said 'This fall is not for everyone - it couldn't be - as there was only 59 grams worth of slices to go round. I emailed universities last night and gave them first shot at owning a slice. Many of them acquired specimens and were happy to do so.'
> My question : what sort of University would be interested in a>$1500 tiny slice of possible L6 meteorite even if its fresh and witnessed, there is no scientific value in a witnessed fall unless the trajectory can be calculated from its parent body to Earth?
> its just adds to the pile of 30,000 meteorites we have that seem to be ever increasing or decreasing in value! Where are they all from respectively? This is the biggest question
> collecting because its witnessed is just romantic collecting
> I'm sorry but this does not make sense to me.........<div id="DDB4FAA8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2"><table style="border-top: 1px solid #aaabb6; margin-top: 10px;">
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