[meteorite-list] AD - NWA 6435 : "Ureilite-like" shiny Unbrecciated Diogenite with anomalously low REE !
From: Fabien Kuntz <wwmeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:43:12 +0100 (BST) Message-ID: <1379968992.90988.YahooMailNeo_at_web172604.mail.ir2.yahoo.com> Hello, a new diogenite added on my website today. First, better than a long story, a short video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBKZxHHEBRk Its realy looks-like an ureilite, but is a unbrecciated diogenite, metamorphic structure. Classified by Tony Irving, the REE content (Rare Earth Element, J-A Barrat personnal communication) is realy realy low if you compare to the other diogenites ! Diogenites, no heaviest REE under 0.01ppm : http://wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/NWA%206435/Diogenites-EMORB.gif NWA6435, no heaviest REE over 0.01ppm : http://wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/NWA%206435/REENWA6435.bmp Hard to picture as you can imagine, because all the beauty of this rock is in motion, but I prepared, polished all the specimens for the best shiny star effect ! Enjoy : http://wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/NWA6435.html Fabien Fabien Kuntz M?t?orites (ventes, expertise, conf?rences) Animation scientifique et technique WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017) www.wwmeteorites.com Received on Mon 23 Sep 2013 04:43:12 PM PDT |
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