[meteorite-list] Southern California Meteorite & Tektite Club Meeting Photos
From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 21:31:21 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <1378701081.88802.YahooMailNeo_at_web142502.mail.bf1.yahoo.com> Hi Michael, ??? Nice photos!? Thanks for taking the time to share them with us. To answer your question about who was the person that took the Group Picture, that would be the one-and-only Richard Garcia, but everyone calls him "Rubin".?? Both Richard and Rubin are two of the nicest guys that you would ever want to meet, so fortunately there is no "drop-off" when their names get switched. But to save you a lot of trouble, the people's names that you are looking for, are called-out in my article (in this months Meteorite-Times)? just under the Group Picture, which you can copy, if Richard gives you permission to use it. We should hold another CMC Party right after the Tucson Show, and we can each do a show & tell about all the neat items that we got at the Show (or won at your Auction;-).?? There should be a lot of people sticking around after Tucson, and hopefully they could make it to San Diego for the Party, as well. Party hearty, Bob V. >________________________________ > From: Michael Blood <mlblood at cox.net> >To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 6:58 PM >Subject: [meteorite-list] Southern California Meteorite & Tektite Club????Meeting Photos > > >Hi All, >? ? ? ? Thought some of you might get a kick out of seeing some photos I >took at August get together. >? ? ? ? Inspired by the Tektite Club originally formed by Paul Harris & Jim >Tobin lo these many years ago after they purchased the entire Futrell >Tektite collection, the Southern California Meteorite >& Tektite Club is now >hosted by Bob & Moni Verish. We have been meeting yearly, but Bob is >considering >making it a twice a year gathering. Small and intimate, people >bring meteorites to share and enjoy, along >with one another's company. >? ? ? ? This year Jason brought a humongus whole stone lunar (with a >"window" from the sample donated to the adentifying institution). Very >Cool to hold a piece of the moon that large. >? >? ? Here are some photos: > >http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/SCM&TClub2013.html > >P.S: If the person who took the time delayed photo of EVERYONE >Were to allow me to post it, that would be a hoot - even better if >They knew everyone's name in the photo. If you are ok with that, >Please send JPG to me ASAP off list. > >? ? ? ? Best to all, >? ? ? ? Michael > > >______________________________________________ > >Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > Received on Mon 09 Sep 2013 12:31:21 AM PDT |
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