[meteorite-list] Denver Show
From: Anne Black <impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 22:05:16 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <8D07985D44A89AB-604-19A55_at_webmail-m266.sysops.aol.com> Hello list-members, I went up to the Holiday Inn (now Ramada) this afternoon, and the whole area is buzzing with activity; the tents are now all up, and trucks of all sizes are unloading piles of crates and boxes, and display cases, and people are running around moving all that. Officially the show opens Wednesday, but by the look of it many dealers are planning on being ready for business before that. I know that Serge and Dima are already almost ready. You might try it this weekend if you don't mind fighting truck drivers over parking places, and climbing over and around pallets. As for me, I don't have a room there, I have a very nice house not all that far, and you can have a glass of wine or a cup of coffee while looking at meteorites in peace and quiet. Just call me or email me and tell me when you want to come. Thanks. Anne M. Black www.IMPACTIKA.com IMPACTIKA at aol.com Received on Fri 06 Sep 2013 10:05:16 PM PDT |
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