[meteorite-list] ad: sale of 3 small nwa7034 black beauty; 0.2+0.3+1.6 gr

From: habibi abdelaziz <azizhabibi_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 15:22:07 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <1378419727.37748.YahooMailNeo_at_web125405.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>

dear listoids
i have for sale ,
3 small fragment of nwa7034 most likely paired, in opinion as you know? its me who got most of the nwa7034 paraing from the original mainmass to many other stones that have some collecters over the planets..
one fragment is 1.6 gr and is magneficent because its show all the ingredient of nwa7034 martian and show this typical basalt breccia;
the melted sphere that is unique for nwa 7034 martian
i have 0.2 gr? and 0.3 gr and 1.6 gr
all are nice
please email for prices
photo can be seen here

aziz habibi
Received on Thu 05 Sep 2013 06:22:07 PM PDT

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