[meteorite-list] Precambrian target rock mystery
From: Paul H. <inselberg_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 22:10:05 -0400 Message-ID: <20131024221005.K7ZZ5.106646.imail_at_eastrmwml106> Jack wrote in Precambrian target rock mystery at http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com/msg115243.html "I am thinking an ET origin regarding these targets and throwing out idea for comments." and "Phillis Hargrave et al lead author of the above paper with the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology has sent me additional photos to share. The paper should be online." One publication, Hargarve et al. (2011) is online at: http://www.mbmg.mtech.edu/pdf-open-files/mbmg602_SilverCity.pdf Yes, they are interesting and quite curious. Below is specifically what Hargarve et al. (2011) stated about them. "Ys Spokane Formation ? Grayish red, dark greenish red, and purplish red, microlaminated argillite and siltite; contains abundant mud cracks, ripple marks, etc. The Spokane Formation in this quadrangle contains many areas where ?target? rocks, areas of concentric bleaching around a central grain, can be found, especially in the hills west of Little Prickly Pear Creek. These bleached circles are sometimes single occurrences and are locally also ?constellations? of numerous small circles. The target rocks are the result of radioactive decay. According to Bregman (written comm, 2009 the central nodule is high in strontium, rubidium or any one of a number of radioactive elements derived from the Grenville Highlands way off to the "east (?)" of the deposition area. The "target rocks" are usually found in the Spokane which is normally maroon (though there are some relatively thin light green beds throughout). The age of the rocks, about 1.2 (?) billion years old. Enough time for the heat generated by the radioactive decay to cook (bleach) the color out of the Spokane. Because heat radiates out in a sphere from the nodules, the circles are actually spheres (or ellipsoids) sliced by the shale layers. There probably are the same element nodules in the other Belt rocks (Greyson, Empire, etc.), but since their normal color, or weathered color can be not much different than the bleached out portions, they would be veritably invisible." The publication is: Hargrave, P., J. Lonn and M. Bregman, 2011, Geologic Map of the Silver City 7.5' Quadrangle,West-Central Montana. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report no. MBMG 602. http://www.mbmg.mtech.edu/pdf-open-files/mbmg602_SilverCity.pdf http://www.mbmg.mtech.edu/mbmgcat/public/ListCitation.asp?pub_id=31402& Looking at the literature, the Spokane Formation (formerly Grinnell Formation) has gone through significant metamorphism, diagenetic alteration, and, in places, copper and other mineralization, which will make understanding what created them quite complicated. Jack asked: "Another geologist suggested the reaction is a type of geo-chromotography but by what?" They remind me of and look a lot like reduction haloes, which are commonly found in redbeds, paleosols, and other strata. Reduction haloes have also been called "reduction spheroids," "reduction spots," "fish eyes," "reduction mottling," "bleaching haloes," "(radioactive) concretions," and "(radioactive) nodules." There are various processes by which they have been explained. Some of them are discussed in: Dyck, W., and R. H. McCorkell, 1983, A study of uranium-rich reduction spheroids in sandstones from Pugwash Harbour, Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1738-1746. http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/e83-163 Hofmann, B. A., 1991, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Reduction Spheroids in Red Beds. Mineralogy and Petrology. vol. 44, pp. 107-124. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01167103 Hofmann, B., J. P. L. Dearlove, M. Ivanovich, D. A. Lever, D. C. Green, P. Baertschi, and Tj. Peters, 1987, Evidence of Fossil and Recent Diffusive Element Migration in Reduction Haloes from Permian Red-Beds of Northern Switzerland. in B. Come and N. A. Chapman. eds., pp, 217-238, Natural Analogues in Radioactive Waste Disposal. Springer, New York, New York. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-009-3465-8_21 Kemp, A. J., M. R. Palmer, and K. V. Ragnarsdottir, 1994, The Uranium-Thorium and rare earth element geochemistry of reduced nodules from Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Proceedings of the Ussher Society. vol. 8, pp. 214-218. http://www.ussher.org.uk/journal/90s/1994/documents/Kemp_et_al_1994.pdf Lines, A. W., J. Parnell, and D. J. Mossman, 1996, Reduction spheroids from the Upper Carboniferous Hopewell Group, Dorchester Cape, New Brunswick: notes on geochemistry, mineralogy and genesis. Atlantic Geology. vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 159-172. http://journals.hil.unb.ca/index.php/ag/article/view/2085 http://journals.hil.unb.ca/index.php/ag/article/download/2085/2449 van Panhuys-Sigler, M., N. H. Trewin and J. Still, 1996, Roscoelite associated with reduction spots in Devonian red beds, Gamrie Bay, Banffshire. Scottish Journal of Geology. vol. 32, pp. 127-132. http://sjg.lyellcollection.org/content/32/2/127.abstract They have been found to have form around a variety of objects, including roots, "organic matter," and, even in one case in Swedish limestone, meteorites. In many cases, the identity of what, if anything, was at the center of a reduction haloes remains unknown. If a ?self-organizing? geochemical processes were involved, there likely never was either a nucleolus or anything else at the center of a reduction haloe at any time. Some pictures of the Spokane Formation (Grinnell Formation) can be seen in ?The Rocks around Glacier National Park, Montana: Introduction to the formations? at http://mountainbeltway.wordpress.com/2010/08/23/rocks-of-glacier-national-park/ A ways down there is a picture of ?Sometimes there are areas of low oxidation called reduction spots.? as at: https://farm5.static.flickr.com/4098/4910489039_dac036d1d2.jpg Yours, Paul H. Received on Thu 24 Oct 2013 10:10:05 PM PDT |
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