[meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk main mass raised from Lake Chebarkul

From: Jim Wooddell <jim.wooddell_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 05:49:17 -0700
Message-ID: <525E8B4D.50903_at_suddenlink.net>


Thanks for posting all the information on this here and on FB. Enjoy
seeing the progress!

So when this first happened, I posted that it fell into the lake and was
quickly told no way, even though I was looking at a picture of a huge
hole in the ice!
Very early on, quick guess-ta-mates were different at that point in time.

What I would like to know, after they can confirm the weight of this
last recovery, is if path calculations proved
accurate by those that were doing the calculations????? Was anyone able
to actually calculate the trajectory accurately (different mass
calculations) with
  the information that was able to be gathered over the first month or
so after the fall. Has anyone calculated any dark flight data based on
any of the finds that have been recovered?
I have some what of an idea that any standard dark flight calculation is
going to fail to prove anything for such an event.



Jim Wooddell
jim.wooddell at suddenlink.net
Received on Wed 16 Oct 2013 08:49:17 AM PDT

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