[meteorite-list] Ad CD with hole, Full slice of Seagraves, large Nuevo, and Red Rock CA slice
From: Mike Jensen <meteoriteplaya_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 16:33:13 -0600 Message-ID: <CAMLW5jB6cGY0EEBDZu4hJ+S0MeM+G+=F4ZH2GKbVMaqXYZ2Guw_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi All Just a few pieces this time but most are extra ordinary. So let me know if you just gotta have one. https://picasaweb.google.com/109538410126952617536/October42013?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCNDsyK3zrK3-Gg&feat=directlink Canyon Diablo This one has a rather large hole. The hole measure approximately 1 cm in diameter. Has original complete Mineralogical Research Company label. 1533.1 g $2500.00 Esquel This slice is wedge shaped and somewhat thick 11 x 6.5 x 0.6 cm. About half the crystals are transparent. Has old Mineralogical Research Company label that has been cropped to only show the locality information. 108.5 g $3255.00 Nuevo Mercurio H5 Fell Dec 15, 1978 This is a total gem. I just love the contraction cracks. If you love whole stones from observed falls don't miss your chance to own it. Has a Mineralogical Research Company label. 97.5 g $975.00 Red Rock IIIAM Om Kern County California. Gorgeous slice with a slight trace of rusting. Don't miss your chance to own this rarely offered slice. 7 x 3.5 x 0.45 cm 55.1 g $825.00 Seagraves (c) Fantastic whole slice. As is common with these larger whole slices it is a wedge shape. Only one side has been polished. 19 x 26 x (1 at thickest to 0.2 at thinnest point) cm. Comes in a nice wood display box. Has original complete Mineralogical Research Company label. 716.7 $3600.00 https://picasaweb.google.com/109538410126952617536/October42013?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCNDsyK3zrK3-Gg&feat=directlink Don't miss some of the reduced item from last time. https://picasaweb.google.com/109538410126952617536/Sept272013?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMbKl4X117TAzgE&feat=directlink Bells C2 ungrouped Fell Sept 9th 1961 I always wanted one of these as it fell a mere 30 days before my actual birth date. These are just never offered for sale. Very rare classification and even rarer if you consider falls only. 0.028 g $56(HOLD) Deport These are part of recent discovery by Blaine Reed of the marked piece by Oscar Monnig. If you are unfamiliar with the story Arnaud Mignan has done a beautiful job describing its history. http://www.thetricottetcollection.com/pub_met_MonnigNumbers.html These have easily sold for $15/gram by other dealers. I offer them here for only $10.00 / gram. reduced to $9/g 1P 97.2 g $970 now $875 1AI 148.2 g $1480 now $1334 1AL 200.0 g $2000 now $1800 Canyon Diablo All of these were obtained by Edwin Thompson who traded them from the IOM in Albuquerque. He had a large lot of these at Tucson earlier this year. With the exception of the largest piece I picked out the pieces that had the first generation numbers on them. That is the CD numbers you see in the photos. These were far less common than the pieces with the more current K numbers. Unfortunately there are no labels from the IOM but all the CD pieces come with the original collection bags. The CD pieces are priced at $2/g and the larger K piece at $1.50. Reduced by $0.25 K-125 228.3 $342 now $285 CD 23.7 36.9 $73 now $ $65.50 CD 23.8 33.2g $66 now $58 CD 23.12 31.4g $62 now $55 CD 23.14 22.7g $45 now $39.75 Gebel Kamil I picked these out from a large lot. These have lots of character that is not always captured in a photo. Priced to sell at $0.50 / g reduced to $0.40 123.0 $61.50 now $49 96.1 $48 now $38.50 79.9 $40 now $32 39.7 $20 now $16 https://picasaweb.google.com/109538410126952617536/Sept272013?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMbKl4X117TAzgE&feat=directlink Mike Mike Jensen Meteorites 16730 E Ada PL Aurora, CO 80017-3137 USA 303-946-1495 IMCA 4264 website: www.jensenmeteorites.com Received on Fri 04 Oct 2013 06:33:13 PM PDT |
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