[meteorite-list] A Bunch of Irregular Stones I Found (+How I Think They May Have Originated)
From: Peter Richards <pedrichards_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:58:11 -0500 Message-ID: <CAENymwDJ5_LK2dLTTH9U5RYn7+mwphNDJExC0V1h4+ZYD6mrcw_at_mail.gmail.com> -This stone seems to have a feature which suggests a (modified) layer of the stone was once in a malleable state, and, also, under pressure, appearing as if it has been folded back (on the left side of the stone, note what was revealed is duller in texture, and more grey than the glassy outer surface):: http://www.flickr.com/photos/67498324 at N08/8580370971/in/set-72157633060844363/ -This has a surface with a "bubbly" appearance, suggesting liquid material collected before concretizing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/67498324 at N08/8580364375/in/set-72157633060844363/ -Here is a shot of the collected masses from a vicinity about the size of a very small house: http://www.flickr.com/photos/67498324 at N08/8580374795/in/set-72157633060844363/lightbox/ The location where these were collected, incidentally, is due north of the location where many of the heavier Park Forest fragments were found, and well within the constraints, of course, of known strewn field dispersion, which has led me to believe these may have been a part of the same fall, and undetected for a number of reasons, including the commonality of gunshots in the area (especially true ten years ago if I understand correctly), and rather poor air quality which might have led people living nearby to remain oblivious of any new arrivals such as these would have been, according to my theory. Some are very dense, and others are less so. I understood that there were two main types of material recovered in Park Forest, and wonder whether any additional variety prospectively found here might represent the remains from an asteroidal impact, or something of that sort. Peter Richards Received on Fri 22 Mar 2013 06:58:11 PM PDT |
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