[meteorite-list] AD: HED, PAC, Rare Chondrites, Irons, Achondrites + MORE

From: Mendy Ouzillou <ouzillou_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 22:10:36 -0700
Message-ID: <75C1917A-805B-4558-A07D-58DCBEB1A02A_at_yahoo.com>

As the owner of a slice of the H6 melt breccia NWA 7534, I can report that the images do not do the material justice. The material has bubble voids where metal has been deposited on the walls and very cool solid metal blebs.

The cumulate eucrite NWA 7651 is also really beautiful with stunning yellow and caramel colored crystals. Did I mention the deep shiny black crust. Now I have.

My unasked endorsement.

Mendy Ouzillou

On Mar 20, 2013, at 9:23 PM, <sales at bcmeteorites.com> wrote:

Good Evening List,

I have many meteorites listed on Ebay currently. Some VERY NICE
meteorites ending in less then 24 hours!

Much of what is listed was offered for the first time at the 2013 Tucson
Gem and Mineral Show. Some, never before offered! Dont worry if you
weren't able to attend here is your chance to add brand new rare and
exotic meteorites to your collection.

If you like classified Diogenite, Eucrite, Howardite, Brachinite,
Ureilite, Rumuruti, Mesosiderite, Palasite, Carbonaceous, LL3, Iron,
Impactite, Chondrites, Witnessed Falls, and much more - visit the
following link.


Many great deals to be had!

Kind Regards,

Adam Bates
IMCA 3213
BC Meteorites

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Received on Thu 21 Mar 2013 01:10:36 AM PDT

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