[meteorite-list] Zaklodzie UNGR Correction

From: Kevin Kichinka <marsrox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 12:11:59 -0600
Message-ID: <CANDn_7GJYX=2NFGWNQ3bjXaOsCUVJJZrG23c-RkiHKsPX6h5Sw_at_mail.gmail.com>

Team Meteorite:

David Hardy was kind enough to contact me about an issue he just found
in "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013"...

An error.

The correct data is:

Zaklodzie UNGR Achondrite $100-190 (3 dealers) for 2011

                                                  $190 (1 dealer) for Dec, 2012

Or is it? Is Zaklodzie still an "UNG"?

Thanks to David's follow-up, I took a moment and looked through some
of the data to see how this enstatite met could even be an achondrite,
as I'll bet that most collectors think first of 'EH and EL'

"... enstatite chondrites (named for their high abundances of the
magnesium silicate, enstatite....) -"Meteorites and their parent
bodies" Harry McSween, Jr. p 49.

I found three Met Bulletin references to enstatite achondrites:

NWA 4301 which was a Hupe purchase and is 70% enstatite, "similar in
texture and composition to Zaklodzie..." A. Irving and S. Kuehner,

SaU 402, an Oman find, "The texture and mineralogy imply that it
could be an impact melt rock." - D. D. Badjukov, Vernad; F.
Brandst?tter, NHMV.

Zaklodzie from Zamosc , Poland, found 1998 - Ungrouped enstatite-rich
meteorite. "may be similar to QUE 97289" - F. Wlotzka, MPI; M.
Stepniewski, PGI; R. Bartoschewitz, Bart.

QUE 97289 is an aubrite.

"The aubrites are achondrites composed primarily of nearly iron-free
magnesium pyroxene (enstatite) in contrast to the pyroxene
compositions in other igneous meteorites..... their textures and other
properties clearly indicate an igneous origin." ("Meteorites and their
parent bodies" Harry McSween, Jr. p 141).

I see the Met Base - "MetBase: v. 7.1 (2006) Aubrite-an" may now
classify Zaklodzie as an aubrite. So which is it - UNG or Aubrite? Can
someone with access look this up and report back :>) ????

Thanks for the head's up, David!

Kevin Kichinka
Marsrox at gmail.com
Rio del Oro, Santa Ana, Costa Rica
"The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013"
Received on Sat 16 Mar 2013 02:11:59 PM PDT

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