[meteorite-list] Urgent Attention: Major Meteorite Collectionstollen !!!!

From: Darryl Pitt <darryl_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 23:41:52 -0400
Message-ID: <8AA8A0AB-2886-4E72-8585-AE76926E8464_at_dof3.com>

Sadly, there is indeed far more to this story....

On Mar 11, 2013, at 10:06 PM, Jason Utas wrote:

> I've heard someone else (very trustworthy) chime in on this,
> and....there may be more to the story. I'm not willing to say
> anything certain on this issue until more information from both sides
> comes to light.
> Jason
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Jason Utas <meteoritekid at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not to point any fingers or anything....these are specimens pictured
>> or described on the list of specimens that was sent to the
>> meteorite-list:
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/NWA-1814-Meteorite-Bencubbine-like-CBa-1814-0001-120-15g-Main-Mass-1-of-5-/281070466338?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41711af522
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/NWA-1950-Martian-Lherzonlitic-Shergottite-Meteorite-1950-0003-0-31g-Slice-/271167945808?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f22de7c50
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/NWA-530-Meteorite-Carbonaceous-Chondrite-CR2-0530-0001-7-15g-Stunning-CR2-/271162995077?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f2292f185
>> http://eegooblago.com/mesosiderites/nwa_4747_mesosiderite
>> http://eegooblago.com/chondrites_carbonaceous/nwa_6458_ck4_carbonaceous
>> http://eegooblago.com/diogenite/nwa5480_-_diogenite
>> http://eegooblago.com/historic_meteorites/nwa_1068_louise_michel
>> http://eegooblago.com/historic_meteorites/nwa_2737_martian_chassignite
>> http://eegooblago.com/historic_meteorites/nwa_725_acapulcoitewinonaite
>> http://eegooblago.com/historic_meteorites/changxing_h5_meteorite
>> And probably a few others. I got bored with cross-checking NWA numbers.
>> The pattern on his "Arispe" looks unusually fine for Arispe, assume
>> it's something else based on the description.
>> The ebay seller and website owner is "Sean Tutorow," a dealer I am
>> unfamiliar with. I asked for additional photos for one of his NWA's on
>> ebay some time ago, and was told that he 'didn't do extra photos' or
>> something like that. Came across as impolite, know nothing else about
>> the fellow.
>> What's the story?
>> Jason
>> On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Richard Montgomery
>> <rickmont at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Bruno and Carine,
>>> Massive regrets, and fortunately we meteorite lovers have more wisdom than
>>> the crooks know. As many of us were in your room, I will be vigilant.
>>> Somehow I didn't receive your original post to the List. Has anyone else?
>>> Richard Montgomery
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Strope" <faq4q at yahoo.com>
>>> To: "The Earth's Memory" <info at meteorite.fr>
>>> Cc: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>; <imca at imcamail.de>
>>> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 5:29 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Urgent Attention: Major Meteorite
>>> Collectionstollen !!!!
>>>> This is terrible news.
>>>> Jim Strope
>>>> 421 4th Street
>>>> Glen Dale, WV. 26038
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Mar 11, 2013, at 7:35 PM, "The Earth's Memory" <info at meteorite.fr>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear list Members,
>>>>> it is with consternation that we annouce you that we have been
>>>>> victims of extortion at the beginning of the Tucson show
>>>>> and finaly totaly robbed at the end of the Tucson show.
>>>>> Fortunatly the criminals have been iddentified and one have admited
>>>>> that he has the material. For security and procedure raison we will not
>>>>> disclose their names at that time nor the circumstances, we can just tell
>>>>> you that two are Americans and one is Morrocan.
>>>>> We and the Police have enough evidences and witnesses, that will lead the
>>>>> criminal team to be
>>>>> punished by the full power of the Law.
>>>>> We offered them to give back the material and we would not press charges,
>>>>> but it seems that they are not cooperating.
>>>>> The French Police will involve FBI and INTERPOL in the next days as they
>>>>> don't return our inventory intact and at no cost NOW.
>>>>> Here is a rapid list of what have been stolen and extorqued:
>>>>> http://www.meteorite.fr/en/stolen.htm
>>>>> this list is still partial as we are working on it, there are many
>>>>> fossils too.
>>>>> Many of you know that these specimens are our and saw them in our room or
>>>>> on our web site for years,
>>>>> please have a close look on that list, some specimens might be already
>>>>> for sell somewhere.
>>>>> We ask any Dealer, Collector or Curator to be very carefull.
>>>>> If you have been proposed any suspicious specimens, please report it to
>>>>> us or Eric Twelker off list.
>>>>> Any help would be very much appreciated.
>>>>> Best from France,
>>>>> Bruno & Carine
>>>>> La Memoire de la Terre
>>>>> The Earth's Memory
>>>>> France
>>>>> www.meteorite.fr
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Received on Mon 11 Mar 2013 11:41:52 PM PDT

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