[meteorite-list] When a fall turns out to be a find not recently fallen.

From: Francis Graham <fgraham_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 19:51:35 -0400
Message-ID: <CAPjBeKj+wOhf4_bodkDpRsSSWBtdE2yQzSq-xbLCksP2Fh7gLQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Dear List,
   It is possible that a meteorite might be seen to fall, and then the
site of the fall investigated and a meteorite found; but upon later
analysis the weathering, etc. reveals that the meteorite collected
couldn't possibly have been the witnessed fall, but instead a
coincidental independent find.
    My question, has this ever happened in real life?

Francis Graham
East Pittsburgh
Received on Mon 11 Mar 2013 07:51:35 PM PDT

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