[meteorite-list] AD: Rare/Hard to find specimens for sale
From: Darwin Schultz <rapidrigger_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 19:23:25 -0700 Message-ID: <BAY002-W187F5B331FEA15B5A48D07DADE10_at_phx.gbl> Dear List: I have a few specimens that may peak some of your interests for sale: 1. LEIGHLINBRIDGE: 1.566 g polished fragment - ex Rob Elliot 2. KAPOETA: 5.27 g part slice - ex M. Landegger collection and Mineralogical Research Co. 3. ALHA 76009: 14.4 g part slice - ex R.A. Langhenrich, M. Bandli, A. Black 4. PULTUSK: 312 g complete stone - ex Lukas Smula 5. TRYON: 86.24 g half stone polished one side ASU # 229H, ex ASU, P. Marmet 6. ZAGAMI: 1.75 g polished part slice - ex Steve Arnold (MM) 7. L'AIGLE: 5.58 g, polished slice cut from Museuem National D'Histoire Naturelle specimen # 1480 ex Matt Morgan 8. TISSINT: 10.27 g fragment with approx 35% crust, ex G Fujihara 9. WILUNA: 41.5 g complete stone, 97% fusion crusted (couple of small chips) w/WAM numbers in red and white #12934 ex. Tricottet Collection, WAM 10. THUATHE: 177 g, complete stone, with hand written paper saying it is stone #1052 and finders name Thanks for your time and if something interests you please contact me off list for prices, pictures or any other info you may need. Thanks Darwin Received on Sun 10 Mar 2013 10:23:25 PM PDT |
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