[meteorite-list] To get or not to get...that is the question!

From: Don Merchant <dmerchan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 14:47:30 -0500
Message-ID: <002201ce1cfe$ef93b9f0$6401a8c0_at_donaldmerchant>

Well I see a bunch of List Members are getting anxious and venturing the
unknown and taking risks and purchasing these eBay listed Chelyabinsk
meteorites. Some how I feel still reluctant to do that especially when the
price per gram has not been set based on these being mostly auction style
auctions and very few Buy it Nows, but mainly because I do not recognize any
of the Seller names! A part of me wants to but my conscience keeps stopping
me. Anyways my question is, has anyone dealt with a world renown Dealer that
can be trusted that which who has any Chelyabinsk meteorites available and
that will come with a COA or some kind of convincing paperwork? I really
don't need a fake Chelyabinsk meteorite in my collection, nor do I want to
purchase a Chelyabinsk meteorite from someone I know who bought it from
someone they don't know. Does anyone out there feel my pain? I am only
looking for a gram or 2 but I am very, very cautious at this stage of
parting with my $. I was burned once many years ago and said it would never
happen again. I am sure I am not alone on this.

Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
IMCA #0960
Received on Sat 09 Mar 2013 02:47:30 PM PST

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