[meteorite-list] Fw: Chelyabinsk meteorie]te

From: Linda Barany <lbarany_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 11:46:34 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <1362685594.61905.YahooMailRC_at_web185004.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

I just received my first stone from the Chelyabinsk/ Cherbukal Meteorite fall
from andrei barakshin <andrei-barakshin at mail.ru>

He has 100% positive feedback with over 2500 sales.? Being only an amateur
collector I can't vouch absolutely for authenticity.? However, you can check out

his site yourself.? He has a spectrolite mining business in Finland and does
sell meteorites normally as well as knive with meteorite blades and spectrolite
handles.? The stone which he sent me is beautiful black crusted 2 gram stone.?I
did specify

that was what I wanted in a stone. ?I asked if he would be willing to sell to
individuals off "auction site and he said that he

had a number of stones between 5-10 grams still available.
He is on e-bay.? I'm not sure if I picked him up on the American or
International site originally.? He has been selling with a red pen
that shows his e-mail address on it which is how I figured out how to contact
him initially regarding the stones. I hope this helps.
I wanted to make sure to get one early in case export was halted. I am excited
and pleased.?
Linda Barany
Received on Thu 07 Mar 2013 02:46:34 PM PST

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