[meteorite-list] any genuine Cherbakul stones out there?
From: Kelly Beatty <jkellybeatty_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 19:35:52 -0500 Message-ID: <E5244139C4064669A70BF1CD7D3C14E4_at_NightSkyGuy> howdy... today I posted an update on the "science" that's emerged from last month's Chelyabinsk/Cherbakul fall (http://is.gd/k4WCg1). I'd like to add a paragraph about the emerging market for these stones. can anyone point me to past/present offers on eBay or elsewhere that you believe to be genuine - or have you purchased/acquired one of these stones yourself? please contact off-list - thanks! clear skies, Kelly **************** J. Kelly Beatty Senior Contributing Editor SKY & TELESCOPE 617-416-9991 SkyandTelescope.com Received on Wed 06 Mar 2013 07:35:52 PM PST |
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