[meteorite-list] New photos of Mercury

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 12:43:03 -0500
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW9m6S17=qoMW+Wfq9qGYaFnmksLXZSobP6gCq3JUfcC1A_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Daniel and List,

I'm of the opinion that a Venusian meteorite is laying around
somewhere here on Earth. Perhaps it has never been recovered, or
maybe it has been misidentified and is languishing in an obscure
collection cabinet somewhere.

If the scientists say it is possible for a Mercury meteorite to arrive
here, no matter how unfavorable the odds, then I would imagine that at
least once in billions of years of history, a Venusian rock has landed
here on Earth.

Maybe it was lost in the ocean. Maybe it fell a billion years ago,
and has since been destroyed or carried deep into the Earth by plate
tectonics. Or maybe, just maybe, it sits in a dark and dusty drawer
of Mr. Rudiger D. Smythe's collection in Pospigo Indiana.

Or maybe it's still circling the Sun out there in it's own peculiar
orbit and a few years from now it will come screaming into our
atmosphere and explode high over Arizona during the annual Tucson gem
show, raining harmless small peas down upon everyone in attendance!

The scientists say it is possible......

Best regards,


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On 3/6/13, info at moonmarsrocks.com <info at moonmarsrocks.com> wrote:
> Some new pics of Mercury, compliments of NASA's Messenger spacecraft,
> nice:
> http://news.yahoo.com/photos/nasa-spacecraft-photographs-mercury-slideshow/
> With all those craters, one would think there is a good amount of
> Mercury rock floating around, and that there's a reasonable probability
> that some of it has made its way to Earth. It will be interesting to see
> if the continuing analysis of the possible candidate NWA 7325, with its
> stunning green color, proves to be just so...
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> Daniel Noyes
> Genuine Moon & Mars Meteorite Rocks
> info at moonmarsrocks.com
> www.moonmarsrocks.com
> ebay: danovanni
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Received on Wed 06 Mar 2013 12:43:03 PM PST

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