[meteorite-list] How big was the Chelyabinsk meteoroid?

From: Michael Farmer <mike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 15:34:39 -0700
Message-ID: <21639666-8B7D-4BB3-B5F0-67637931F85C_at_meteoriteguy.com>

The news kept screwing it up, saying it was ten tons. I keep having to explain to people that this thing was the size of a 5-6 story building! Literally a building falling from the sky.
So cool.

Michael Farmer

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 5, 2013, at 3:31 PM, "Nicholas Gessler, Ph.D." <nick.gessler at duke.edu> wrote:

> It might be hard to imagine what a 55-foot diameter ball or rock would look like.
> I searched Google Images for a 50-foot anything, and came up with this, which seemed fitting:
> https://web.duke.edu/isis/gessler/meteorites/chelyabinsk.htm
> ;-)
> Nick
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Received on Tue 05 Mar 2013 05:34:39 PM PST

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