[meteorite-list] Meteorite market talk on radio

From: Michael Farmer <mike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 13:36:54 -0500
Message-ID: <86FF3505-E548-4B31-9231-C74D32C19A28_at_meteoriteguy.com>

Why are such people discussing the meteorite market. I doubt any of them know anything about it.
I have sold to Carnegie institute many times. They wanted material that only I could provide them. Perhaps They should ask for funding to go get it themselves?
Michael Farmer

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 1, 2013, at 1:15 PM, "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote:

> Adam is right. Shut down the interview and walk out. That whole
> "black market" propaganda is getting very tired and old now. It's
> utter rubbish. Complete and total baloney. And anyone who knows a
> single thing about how the market operates, knows that there is no
> black market for meteorites. Black markets, by definition, only arise
> when a commodity is completely outlawed or heavily regulated.
> Meteorites are sold legally on an open market, that is the exact
> opposite of a black market. Again, there may be a few bad apples in
> the meteorite world, but their numbers pale in comparison to the
> problems seen in other fields or hobbies. Which brings me to another
> thing - the entire meteorite market is not big enough to sustain a
> lucrative black market if it tried. There just aren't enough people
> and money invested because meteorites are still a "niche" thing and
> small potatoes next to the diamond trade or gold trade.
> People keep insisting that some thriving black market of meteorites is
> going on, well, somebody please point me to it, because I am curious
> to see it. I typed "meteorite black market" into Google Earth, and it
> sent me to a vacant field outside Walla Walla Washington. Do I need a
> secret knock or handshake to get in?
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
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> On 3/1/13, Adam Hupe <raremeteorites at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> This talk turned me off from the second the interviewer claimed the Sahara
>> was a black market. I would have ended the interview right then and there.
>> Doesn't the media research anything anymore? When it comes to integrity, a
>> modern journalist might ask "What are you talking about, I have never heard
>> of such a thing?"
>> Adam
>> ________________________________
>> From: SatWatch.org <contact at satwatch.org>
>> To: "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com"
>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 7:39 AM
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite market talk on radio
>> Howdy List,
>> Heard Bob Hazen talking about meteorites and the meteorite market last night
>> on C2C.
>> I put that audio on my website in the audio section if you desire to listen
>> to his interview.
>> http://www.meteorwatch.net/
>> Sent from my iPad
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Received on Fri 01 Mar 2013 01:36:54 PM PST

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