[meteorite-list] standardized sales

From: C.G. <petcal50_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 22:27:48 -0800
Message-ID: <CAJE4+UB=a59ujZ1qA-ggP3a0ZU8uCxd0V169x9FJxyTFbe2kEA_at_mail.gmail.com>

My hunch is the meteorological world would benefit from what occurs in
the selling of high-end coins. Google "CAC approved coins", and
educate yourself on this matter..too much to discuss in 1 posting,
needless to say, a GLOBAL selling organization, with the highest
standards would prevent such sophmoric battles I see here o this
list....emotions get in the way of the facts....meteorites have no
emotions, thus, all we need to know about them is the final analysis
on composition, and, truth in disclosure about location...from a
trusted and organized organization, public or private(with so much
money involved, I'm a little surprised nobody has done a startup on
this)...selling "Certified" coins has changed the numismatic
marketplace, and, has detected, and kept off the market millions of
dollars of altered and fake coins since 1986.....methinks meteorites
would benefit from being certified, with 100% guarantees of
authenticity, or, buyers funds returned..NO, I repeat, NO third party
coin grader has been and never will be allowed to sell coins on the
side..all they do is grade and certify, to keep things honest....if
100% honesty is asking too much from the meteorological community,
then, they deserve what they get, and that is questionable sales at
best, and, downright fraud at worst.
Calvin G.
Received on Fri 01 Mar 2013 01:27:48 AM PST

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