[meteorite-list] Analysis of a prehistoric Egyptian iron bead report great read

From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 19:07:49 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <1372126069.91590.YahooMailNeo_at_web162602.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>

Hello Listers,

Its quite in here, I think people are having too much fun at Ensisheim. I am excited to see what meteorites people will have for sale, please tell :)

And for those of you that have some time to waist :) .....?
?I just came across this great research paper on the Egyptian beads made from meteorites. Its a good read??and gives the reader on new perspectives on the use of meteorite in ancient cultures and anyone can download it for free. :)

Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633
ebay store

AnalysisofaprehistoricEgyptianironbeadwithimplicationsfortheuse andperceptionofmeteoriteironinancientEgypt

DianeJOHNSON1*,JoyceTYLDESLEY2,3,Tristan ?LOWE4, ?PhilipJ.WITHERS4, and Monica ?M.GRADY1,5
Abstract?Tube-shaped beadsexcavatedfromgravepitsattheprehistoric ?Gerzehcemetery, approximately ?3300 ?BCE, ?represent? ?the ?earliest ?known? ?use ?of ?iron ?in ?Egypt.? ?Using ?a combinationofscanning ?electron ?microscopy ?and ?microX-raymicrocomputertomography, weshowthat ?microstructuralandchemicalanalysisofaGerzeh ?ironbeadisconsistent ?with a? ?cold-worked? ?iron? ?meteorite.? ?Thin? ?fragments? ?of?? parallel? ?bands? ?of?? taenite? ?within? ?a meteoritic ?Widmansta?tten ?pattern? ?are ?present, ?with ?structural ?distortion ?caused ?by ?cold- working.? ?The ?metal ?fragments? ?retain? ?their ?original ?chemistry ?of ?approximately ?30wt% nickel.The ?bulk ?ofthebead ?ishighlyoxidized, ?withonlyapproximately2.4% ?ofthetotal bead ?volume ?remaining ?asmetal. ?Our ?resultsshowthat ?thefirstknown ?exampleoftheuse ofiron ?inEgypt ?wasproduced ?from ?ameteorite,
 ?itscelestialorigin ?having ?implications ?for both? ?the? ?perception? ?of ?meteorite? ?iron? ?by ?ancient? ?Egyptians? ?and? ?the? ?development? ?of metallurgical ?knowledgeintheNileValley

Source: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/maps.12120/pdf???????????
Received on Mon 24 Jun 2013 10:07:49 PM PDT

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