[meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Martian Clay Contains Chemical Implicated in the Origin of Life
From: Pict <pict_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:57:43 -0500 Message-ID: <CDDCF8CD.1936E%pict_at_pict.co.uk> There are no known Proterozoic claystones on Earth?? On 11/06/2013 12:13, "Ron Baalke" <baalke at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote: > >http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/info/press-releases/MartianClay/ > ><snip> > >The significance goes beyond an interest in the red planet, as Hallis >explains: "Earth and Mars used to have much more in common than they do >today. Over time, Mars has lost a lot of its atmosphere and surface >water, but ancient meteorites preserve delicate clays from wetter >periods in Mars' history. The Martian clay we studied is thought to be >up to 700 million years old. The recycling of the Earth's crust via >plate tectonics has left no evidence of clays this old on our planet; >hence Martian clays could provide essential information regarding >environmental conditions on the early Earth." ><snip> Received on Tue 11 Jun 2013 04:57:43 PM PDT |
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