[meteorite-list] Re-2: My apology to Mike Farmer

From: plagioklas at arcor.de <plagioklas_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 02:19:56 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <2000246004.733176.1370823596979.JavaMail.ngmail_at_webmail07.arcor-online.net>

I never sayd, that im free of any sin and i never sayd, that i made never any mistake.

<you hypocrite !!!

Strange, how you think about me. But if its so, its so. I sayd, why i decided to talk about this topic and not only once during this discussion.

Im not a hypocrite ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuchelei ) and im quite sad, that you think so. I try allways to say what i really think and feel and have also no reason to be a hypocrite. This is just the internet. A place, where i cannot win anything by playing someone else. I would have better ways to waste time, and many of them in the same internet. Maybe i should now go to these places.

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: "Bernd V. Pauli" <bernd.pauli at paulinet.de>
An: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Datum: 10.06.2013 01:47
Betreff: [meteorite-list] Re-2: My apology to Mike Farmer

> > Whoever is without any sin may throw the first rock.
> Amen, and send these words to certain places in Germany
> but not to me or anyone else, you hypocrite !!!
> Bernd
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Received on Sun 09 Jun 2013 08:19:56 PM PDT

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