[meteorite-list] Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Bernd in the Sky with "Hilda" :-)

From: Michael Mulgrew <mikestang_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:42:27 -0700
Message-ID: <CAMseTy0tEKLkamurJEURdM1EUzNRnPZuRy3QZL6gNiX3vVzmFg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Congrats, Bernd! Outstanding.

Orbital characteristics for inquiring minds:

Michael in so. Cal.
IMCA #3963

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Bernd V. Pauli
<bernd.pauli at paulinet.de> wrote:
> Hello List,
> Can you imagine my surprise when Rob Matson emailed me and told me
> that I would be honored with something very special for my birthday last
> May 12. He had done a bit of pre-planning regarding the wording of the
> citation and had got the help from a few people notably Dorothy Norton,
> John Kashuba, Bob and Moni Verish ? all of whom (including Rob Matson
> himself, of course!) I want to thank very, very much.
> I am truly honored to be wandering among the stars while still roaming
> terrestrial fields! I am deeply touched to orbit the Sun together with
> such
> celebrities as our late O.R. Norton [(163800) Richardnorton], his wife
> Dorothy Norton [(149243) Dorothynorton = 2002 RL239], my late friend
> Jim Kriegh [149244 Kriegh], alongside our esteemed Geoff Notkin [(132904)
> Notkin = 2002 RB237], just to name a few.
> The minor planet (247553) 2002 RV234 is a member of the Hilda family.
> Hildas are in a 3:2 orbital resonance with Jupiter, i.e. they complete 3
> orbits for every two Jovian orbits. They have dark surfaces, are rich in
> organics and contain water. CI and CM meteorites are believed to originate
> in these types of asteroids.
> My little asteroid is about 6.5 km in diameter, and, assuming an average
> density of 2.1 g/cm^3 for CI/CM chondrites, this would amount to a mass
> of about 3 x 10^11 metric tons (300 billion metric tons).
> Most of this detailed info was provided by Rob Matson!
> Here is the PDF-link to the Minor Planet Circular:
> http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/ECS/MPCArchive/2013/MPC_20130722.pdf
> Just enter my family name and you?ll find me at the top
> of the second column of page 231 of that Circular.
> Thank you very much for this
> honor bestowed on me,
> Bernd
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Received on Mon 29 Jul 2013 02:42:27 PM PDT

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