[meteorite-list] AD ebay items -2 inch long Besednice moldavite, massive NWA 869 slices--last ones
From: jim_brady611 at o2.co.uk <jim_brady611_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:16:09 +0100 (BST) Message-ID: <29647278.58211374056169066.JavaMail.defaultUser_at_defaultHost> greetings listees I have some auctions on ebay which some may find of interest. my last Besednice spiky leaf with N. Lehrman provenance over 2 inches long http://bit.ly/1dE4bW7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- half kilo NWA 869 endcut polished to 14,000 grit 137 x 126 x 18 mm http://bit.ly/17koB4R ------------------------------------------------------------------- 313 gram complete slice NWA 869--best of the batch and last one for sale http://bit.ly/18jmYpp ------------------------------------------------------------------ complete 666 gram meteorite split in 2 and polished http://bit.ly/13u99yS ------------------------------------------------------------------ complete 461 gram meteorite split in 2 and lightly polished http://bit.ly/11VPi1E ------------------------------------------------------------------ 27.8 gram individual with lots of chondrules visible thru the crust- possible type 3 http://bit.ly/192ngE3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 81 gram UNC slice with a couple of largeish barred olivine chondrules ~8mm http://bit.ly/1bHZpJa ----------------------------------------------------------------- 96 gram UNC slice with 3 large different chondrules-pics worth a look http://bit.ly/12JmnI0 Thanks for looking Happy Anniversary to: Thika (2011) Gorlovka (1974) Majorca (1935) Nyirabrany (1914) Mount Browne (1902) Cereseto (1840) http://www.emeraldislemeteorites.com Received on Wed 17 Jul 2013 06:16:09 AM PDT |
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