[meteorite-list] Darth Vader in Met Bulletin?!

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 17:48:07 -0400
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW9Q8=NVFjV2jYQy2B2-p5RvYRqW03qgr=PDD_r056FL2A_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Jeff and List,

When I click the link, it takes me to an old Met Bulletin with a
Russian meteorite in it - Susuman.

Best regards,


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On 7/13/13, Jeff Grossman <jngrossman at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was resolved to leave that in there until somebody noticed.  It has
> been at least 3-4 years.  It does date to when I was testing some new
> programming, and I just let it go to see what happened.  Nobody has ever
> said anything.  Can you guess what meteorite links to it?
> On the serious side, any private collectors or dealers who currently
> have a listing in metbull, or who want one, can contact me for a link
> where you can enter more detailed contact info, like Adam has already
> done.  The requirement for new entries is that one or more meteorites
> list you as the holder of the main mass or as finder, or refer to you in
> the write-up.
> Here is the one Adam already filled out:
> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/MetBullCollectionInfo.php?coll=AHupe
> Jeff
> On 7/13/2013 2:35 PM, Adam Hupe wrote:
>> I think they may be testing a new feature in the database.  Jeff Grossman
>> is adding some more functionality to the database like private
>> collections.  I was fortunate enough to be asked to help test drive this
>> new feature. My only input was making it hard for spambots to get a hold
>> of email addresses which Jeff took care of.   I feel this will be a good
>> feature since private collectors can collaborate with institutional
>> entities.
>> As much as I dislike sharing information, I am taking a positive position
>> on this resource.
>> Adam
>> ________________________________
>> From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike at gmail.com>
>> To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:21 AM
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Darth Vader in Met Bulletin?!
>> Here is something I didn't expect to see while poking around in the
>> online Met Bulletin.
>> Link -
>> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/MetBullCollectionInfo.php?coll=Vader
>> Apparently Vader collects meteorites and his collection resides on the
>> Imperial homeworld of Coruscant.
>> My question is, are obviously fake names accepted into the Bulletin?
>> Or is this some kind of weird inside joke?
>> Best regards,
>> MikeG
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Received on Sat 13 Jul 2013 05:48:07 PM PDT

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