[meteorite-list] Ensisheim 2013 - Table showcase video - 22 mins HD

From: Luther Jackson <lutherjackson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:50:12 +0100
Message-ID: <CAN1qXjmB6inQL9hzDZ7UeFJSFRZ6JnsOeZFyfModczWs7i7kKQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi All, I have finished a showcase video of many of the tables at
Ensisheim 2013.

Its 22 mins long so grab cup of coffee or a beer and enjoy (I hope)!
Highlights include Tissint, NWA 5000 and many other large planetary
pieces and other amazing specimens.

link: http://youtu.be/7DD5YdVdMVI

Please shout if you have any questions on tables or specimens, and I
will try to answer them.
Also, let me know if I have got any names wrong!

Due to the high resolution, this video won't play on most smartphones,
and it is also blocked in Germany I'm afraid due to music copyright
rubbish! Any suggestions on where else I could upload it to? I'm
creating a version without the music that is causing the copyright
issue, so everybody should be able to see a version of it in a few
days, wherever you are.


Received on Thu 11 Jul 2013 11:50:12 AM PDT

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