[meteorite-list] ED fix

From: robert crane <rrobber1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 17:32:04 -0700
Message-ID: <BLU405-EAS186E877584C5D28BE9474488C7D0_at_phx.gbl>

If this story is true you would have fusion crust

On Jul 4, 2013, at 17:28, "Adam Hupe" <raremeteorites at yahoo.com> wrote:

> One more thing of interest.
> Our group consisting of my wife, Zann von Hupe, Dr. Ted Bumch and myself were literately in the middle of nowhere here in Nevada on a mountain side and were buzzed by an F-18 jet. The pilot turned the jet sideways, matched our altitude and hit his afterburners just to let us know that he knew we were there. He flew so close to us that we could see his helmet and face-shield as he turned his head to get a better look at us.
> My question is; what device gave up our position?
> No, we were not doing anything wrong and Dr. bunch was extremely angry about being buzzed so close because it startled all us and we could have lost our footing on the steep slopes.
> Adam
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Received on Thu 04 Jul 2013 08:32:04 PM PDT

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